Associations, Clubs and Organizations√



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Associations, Clubs and Organizations√

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Associations, Clubs and Organizations√

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Associations, Clubs and Organizations√

58 Archival description results for Associations, Clubs and Organizations√

58 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

90th Anniversary Committee fonds

  • RG 2176
  • Fonds
  • 1997

This fonds details the activities surrounding the 90th anniversary of the University of Saskatchewan in 1997.

Institutional Note: This committee was formed to organize activities celebrating the 90th anniversary of the University of Saskatchewan in 1997. These activities included a one act play, and a cultural tour which featured local talents and visited Saskatoon, North Battleford, Prince Albert, and Humboldt. A night of music and dance was also on offer.

Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association fonds

  • MG 112
  • Fonds
  • 1972-1995

This fonds contains minutes, agendas, newsletters, correspondence, case files, and financial records pertaining to the formation and administration of ASPA.

Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association

Agricultural Students' Association fonds

  • MG 137
  • Fonds
  • 1920-1980

Minutes, financial fonds, and publications "The Bull Sheet" and "The Antelope;" as well as miscellaneous ephemera.

Agricultural Students' Association (University of Saskatchewan)

Alpha Omega Society fonds

  • MG 242
  • Fonds
  • 1930-1971 (inclusive) ; 1955-1963 (predominant)

The fond contains club records including clippings, photographs, correspondence and financial records.

Alpha Omega Society

Alumni and Development fonds

  • RG 2023
  • Fonds
  • 1927-1992

This series contains correspondence, minutes, rules and copies of the Alumni Bulletin. The bulk of the material are files related to individual alumni.

University of Saskatchewan. Alumni and Development

Amateur Radio Club

  • MG 267
  • Fonds
  • 1964-1989

The fonds contains contact confirmation cards collected by the club over the decades of operation. QSL cards are, perhaps, the most visible aspect of this hobby. The radio operator would send a 'confirmation of reception' (or 'QSL' in the ham's Q-code) to a listener who had proof of reception time, date and frequency as well as information on the quality of the signal received. They are proof that a shortwave radio station was heard.

Amateur Radio Club

Anthropologists Among US fonds

  • MG 397
  • Fonds
  • 2003 - 2008

This fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by the Anthropologists Among US campaign. There are some student meeting notes and correspondence but the bulk of the material is presentations, reports, and correspondence written by University administrators and faculty related to a Systematic Program Review of Anthropology.

Anthropologists Among US

Association of Retired Faculty Members fonds

  • MG 124
  • Fonds
  • 1975-1977

This collection contains correspondence, minutes, reports, and briefs.

Association of Retired Faculty Members (University of Saskatchewan)

Avenue Community Centre fonds

  • MG 535
  • Fonds
  • 1972-2015

The textual series contains mainly publications that were owned by the Avenue Community Centre which focus on LGBTQ issues and health. The poster series contains a variety of feminist and lesbian themed posters from the 1970’s –through the 1980’s, many of which are from Saskatchewan and Saskatoon in particular, although other locations are included.

Avenue Community Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity

B.P.D. Colquhoun fonds

  • MG 42
  • Fonds
  • 1969-1975 (inclusive) ; 1973-1974 (predominant)

This collection contains administrative files from the Dept. of Surgery, including departmental meetings; as well as grants and awards; Dr. Colquhoun's membership in various societies and associations including the Cancer Society and the Saskatchewan Medical Association; and research and lecture notes. There is also a file relating to the Medical Care Commission.

Colquhoun, Brian Patrick Danvers, 1941- (Professor of Surgery)

Campus Day Care Cooperative fonds

  • MG 129
  • Fonds
  • 1974-1977

This fonds contains the minutes of the Campus Day Care Cooperative, articles and publications on day care, material from conferences, and correspondence relating to child care legislation in other provinces.

Campus Day Care Cooperative (University of Saskatchewan)

Campus Radio Station fonds

  • MG 128
  • Fonds
  • 1952-1985

This fonds includes correspondence, program guides, subject files, program logs, and news clippings concerning the programming and operation of the University student radio station.

Campus Radio Station (University of Saskatchewan)

Canadian Officers' Training Corps fonds

  • MG 118
  • Fonds
  • 1916-1971

This series contains orders, correspondence, personnel records, minutes, reports, clippings, a photograph album, and two 8mm movie reels, all related to the administration and activities of the COTC.

Canadian Officers' Training Corps (C.O.T.C.)√

Christopher Kent fonds

  • MG 721
  • Fonds
  • 1713, 1941-2023 (inclusive); 1962-2010 (predominant).

This fonds contains materials relating to the career of Christopher Kent, professor and head of the history department at the University of Saskatchewan. This fonds documents his time as a professor teaching various history classes, his work in supervising masters and phd students in their thesis writing, his work with the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals and the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada, as well as his time as head of the history department including his work with the Canadian Journal of History. Also included are some materials from his undergrad studies at the University of Toronto – mainly syllabus and other handouts, with some notes and essays when they related to his later research areas. As per his faculty bio his “research areas are “Bohemia” in Britain 1815-1914 – that is the social history of the artistic and literary professions and their relationship to the idea of Bohemia as a social and cultural, as well as actual physical space (particularly in London). Other continuing and related research interests are Victorian journalism and journalists, and Victorian novels and novelists.”

Kent, Christopher

Results 1 to 15 of 58