100 Block Main Street East Side
- RO8.022
- Item
- [1912]
Cars backed up to businesses on Main Street. Drug store, unknown, P. Davies boot repair shop, Conlins Shop.
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100 Block Main Street East Side
Cars backed up to businesses on Main Street. Drug store, unknown, P. Davies boot repair shop, Conlins Shop.
Taken from the corner of Railway & Main facing northeast. L-R: Hotel, Bank of Toronto, Eagle Publishing Co., Drug Store, Conlin's P+O, unknown, BC Restaurant, North-Western Real Estate.
Kessel, Albert (Jessop Studio)
An unknown man standing in the doorway of a furniture store with a dog at 112 Main Street.
All wearing berets or caps, one in uniform, some in long white aprons. Military tents in background.
Standing, L-R: A.L. King, Mr. Hamilton, Rev. Smith-Windsor. Seated, L-R: Mrs. Cayley, Miss Choate, Mrs. C.B. Mark, Min Thompson, Julia Graham (organist), Nettie Stewart, Mrs. C.W. Holmes, Mrs. Jack Miller.
Kessel, Albert (Jessop Studio)
Two ladies sit in the front seat of a 1913 Model T Ford. Note the brass radiator.
Kunkel Collection
A postcard which says "Greetings from Rosetown" along with six photos of business exteriors and 2 photos of dwelling exteriors.
Six men stand around a 1918 490 Chevrolet car drinking beer. The car's windshield frame is being used as a bottle rack. A house with a stained glass window in the background.
Kunkel Collection
Women: Pauline Woodward, Irene Holmes, Minnie Huseby. Men: "Two bank boys." Allan Fetterly (Graham Hardware employee) stands in front of car. Saskatchewan license on car - 1922.
Back row, L-R: Grace Latcham, Jessie Douglas, Luella Lick, Nettie Stewart (teacher). Front row: Viva Sheffield, Alvina Tufts, Mr. Schneider, Mary Roy, Edith Longworthy.
Highway Host's entry in Rosetown's 75th anniversary parade was this 1928 McLaughlin Buick car. Stedman's, Bob McNab's Men's Wear, and Scott's Jewellers in background.
A 1928 model Willys-Knight car with a man sitting on the running board.
On Back: "1929 G.M. truck. Hopper from #9 M.H. combine."
1937 Firemen, Town Council and Policeman
Front row, L-R: Douglas Hill, Mickey Clarke, Curly Puffer, N. Craddock (SWP rep.), Geo. Foster, D. Preston, Doug Wilson, Wm. Heartwell, Carl Smith, Fred Barrack, Herschel Arthur. Middle row, L-R: Lorne Empey, Cstbl. McLay, Councillors F.D. Lampman & W.E. Innis, Dr. Lowry, Mayor J.G. Graham, Chief D.A. Jennings, Dep. Ch. L. Kunkel, Hon. Ch. W. McDougald, Editor C.W. Holmes, M. White of Can. Utilities. Back row, L-R: Jas. Hadley, S.C. Douglas, Aubrey Woods, Jas. Toms Jr., F. Dinwoodie, Hubert Moffatt, Harry Moffatt, W. Harbicht, W.W. Cralle, Harvey Anderson, W. Mullen (Town Clerk), Policeman J. McMurdo, A. Fraser, E. Sylvester.
Randall Photo Shop (Biggar)