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University of Saskatchewan - Thorvaldson Building√
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Agriculture - Sheep

The University sheep flock grazing cultivated grass near the Chemistry Building. College Building at right. The swamp fever research barn for horses (background left) visible in its original location north of the Engineering Building. The barn was later relocated just north of the new Agriculture Building.

Bio/Historical Note: The swamp fever research barn served as the factory for manufacturing and bottling the vaccine. Dr. J.S Fulton directed the research. When Dr. Fulton obtained a new laboratory largely funded by vaccine revenue, the old barn was used for post-mortem work on dead animals submitted by farmers for diagnosis. By 1950 the eastern half of the barn would become quarters for the Animal Husbandry Department.

Agriculture - Sheep

The University sheep flock grazing cultivated grass near the Chemistry Building. The swamp fever research barn for horses visible at right in its original location north of the Engineering Building. The barn was later relocated just north of the new Agriculture Building.

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