Showing 84 results

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Field crops√
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82 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Exhibit of Corn

Display with labels of varieties of corn and a man standing at left to indicate the height of the crop. Varieties displayed are Gehu, Fort Peck, Squaw Duke, Pop Corn, N. Western Dent Ferrie, and Quebec Yellow.

Exhibit of Corn

Display with labels of varieties of corn and a man standing at left to indicate the height of the crop. Varieties displayed are Wisconsin No. 7 Imp'd Early Leaning, Brown Co. Dent or Early Pride, Goldenglow and Murdock.

Exhibit of Corn

Display with labels of varieties of corn and a man standing at left to indicate the height of the crop. Varieties displayed are August Dent, Minnesota No. 23, Minnesota No. 13, Imp'd Early Leaning, etc.

Exhibit of Corn

Display with labels of varieties of corn and a man and a child stand in front to indicate the height of the crop. Varieties displayed are Longfellow, North Dakota White Flint, Sunshine Dent, King Philip Duke, Rustlers White Dent, and Pioneer White Dent.

Results 1 to 15 of 84