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37834 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Zrymiak, J. R.

The Saskatchewan Bulletin, Oct. 16, 1972, p. 8 "NEWLY APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENTS INTRODUCED. J. R. Zrymiak was recently appointed district superintendent for Canora school unit?"

Zone 6 sports mugshots

File contains mugshots of Shirley Bird, Stan Green and Bob Stayner who are involved in various sports in Zone 6 sport council in Saskatoon.

Zolkavich, Joe

The Saskatchewan Bulletin, Nov. 1, 1972, p. 7 "NEW SUPERINTENDENTS ASSUME POSITIONS. Joe Zolkavich was recently appointed superintendent for Rosthern school unit."

Zionist Jewish Mandate picnic

Portrait of attendees at the Zionist Jewish Mandate Picnic

Bio/historical note: Photograph technology at the time allowed a slowly rotating panoramic shot. The two individuals on the extreme right and extreme left are the same people having run to the other side of the cameras field of vision while the camera panned to the right

Zion United Church Sipprell Guild fonds

  • MJ-226
  • Fonds
  • 1981-1989

This fonds contains minutes of the Zion United Church Sipprell Guild from 1980 to 1989.

Zion United Church Sipprell Guild

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