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Rosetown General Photograph Collection Hospitals√ With digital objects
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9 men standing in front of construction equipment
9 men standing in front of construction equipment
9 men standing in front of construction equipment #2
9 men standing in front of construction equipment #2
9 men standing in front of construction equipment #3
9 men standing in front of construction equipment #3
A crane at hospital construction site
A crane at hospital construction site
Architects' drawing of Rosetown Union Hospital
Architects' drawing of Rosetown Union Hospital
Architects' drawing of Rosetown Union Hospital #2
Architects' drawing of Rosetown Union Hospital #2
Dedication of hospital ward May 9, 1957
Dedication of hospital ward May 9, 1957
Excavating for new hospital
Excavating for new hospital
Health Centre presentation
Health Centre presentation
Hospital addition under construction
Hospital addition under construction
Hospital board members
Hospital board members
Hospital building
Hospital building
Hospital construction begins
Hospital construction begins
Hospital construction begins #2
Hospital construction begins #2
Hospital construction, 1962
Hospital construction, 1962
Results 1 to 15 of 51