- A-10760
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- May 1976
Head and shoulders image of Grant F. Royan, winner of the Faculty Gold Medal awarded by the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at spring convocation.
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Head and shoulders image of Grant F. Royan, winner of the Faculty Gold Medal awarded by the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at spring convocation.
Stephen D. Acres, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, examines the knee of a pacing stallion, "Knight Patrol".
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. W.F. Cates, Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, presents the B.C. Artificial Insemination Centre $200 award to Stephen Acres at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. Two unidentified men sit in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. L.E. Greenaway, Associate Professor of Clinical Veterinary Studies, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, presents a $60 prize, provided by Ayerst Laboratories, to Arthur Schatz of Bow Island, Alta., at the College's annual awards banquet in Marquis Hall. Dignitaries seated in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. W.E. Roe, Professor of Veterinary Physiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, presents a $60 prize, provided by Ayerst Laboratories, to Layne Bixby (left) of Edmonton, Alta., at the College's annual awards banquet in Marquis Hall. Dignitaries seated in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. R.N.H. Haslam, Dean, Arts and Science, presents a $250 undergraduate scholarship to Arthur Schatz at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. Dignitaries seated in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. J.R. Saunders, Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology presents the Burroughts Wellcome Award in Microbiology to Terrence Church of Elrose at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. Dignitaries standing and seated in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. R.H. Dunlop, Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Physiology, presents a $60 second place general proficiency prize, provided by Ayerst Laboratories, to Melvin Hoffer of Maple Creek at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. Two unidentified men sit and stand in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. E.S. Ballantyne addresses the audience at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. Seated at head table from l to r: V.E. Senior; Wayne Burwash; Dr. E.E. Ballantyne; Dr. C.H. Bigland, Head, Department of Veterinary Microbiology.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. J.H.L. Mills, Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, presents a $40 prize, provided by Ayerst Laboratories, to Allen Perry (left) of Maidstone, SK., at the College's annual awards banquet in Marquis Hall. Dignitaries seated in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. C.M. Fraser, Head, Department of Veterinary Medicine, presents the Manitoba VMA Ladies Auxiliary Prize of $100 to Delmar Pearson at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. J.R. Allen, Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, presents the Burroughts Wellcome Award in Parasitology to Gary Quamme of Brownlee, Sask. at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. Dignitaries standing and seated in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
J.L. Millar presents a $250 undergraduate scholarship to Layne Bixby at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. An unidentified man stands in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
James W. [Sear], representative, Ayerst Laboratories, presents a $60 second place general proficiency prize to Edward Wiebe at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. An unidentified man stands in background.
Western College of Veterinary Medicine - Awards Banquet
Dr. A. Horowitz, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Anatomy, presents a $40 third place general proficiency prize to Wayne Burwash at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine annual awards banquet. The prize was provided by Ayerst Laboratories. An unidentified man stands in background.