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University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of French and Spanish

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1964-1989

The University's first professor of French was hired during its second year of operation in 1910. For the next five decades the department remained relatively small and concentrated on first and second year classes which filled the second language requirement for a B.A. degree. The department opened on of the first language labs in Canada in 1959. With the introduction of Spanish Studies in 1964, the name was changed to the Department of French and Spanish. In 1968 the second language requirement was dropped from the B.A. degree and class enrolment was halved. The department overhauled its policies and programs by shifting emphasis to oral work at all levels. In 1989, Spanish came under the administration of the newly created Department of Modern Languages and French became an independent department. In 1998 the Department of Modern Languages was amalgamated with the Department of French and the College of Arts and Science's program in linguistics to form the Department of Languages and Linguistics.

?The following served as the head of the Department of French (1910-1964): J.A. MacDonald (1910-1939); M. Cameron (1939-1960); B. Bujila (1960-1964). The following served as head of Department of French and Spanish (1964-1989): B. Bujila (1964- 1965); R.S. Ridgway (1965-1976); M. Black (1976-1983); D.J. Bond (1983-1985); C.T. Wittlin (1985-1989). The following served as the head of the Department of French (1989-1998): C.T. Wittlin (1989-1991); J. Julien (1991-1998).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Classics

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1909-

The Department of Classics was one of the original four departments of the University. With Latin and classical studies playing a central role in the secondary school system, students entered their university studies well grounded in ancient language skills. Programs were directed toward advanced language studies, literary studies of the classical authors in the original languages, and ancient history. As Latin and Greek disappeared from the secondary school system, the department had to adapt to students entering the program without prior language training. The abolition of the Arts second language requirement in 1967 forced the department to adjust its programs further. The 1970s saw the introduction of translation classes and the Classics in English program. In 1976 the responsibility for teaching ancient history was given to the history department and the Department of Classics was renamed the Department of Greek and Roman Studies. The department changed its name back to Classics in 1986. The following have served as head of the department: A Moxon (1909-1911); W.G. Sullivan (1911-1945); J.F. Leddy (1945-1965); R.M. Ferguson (1965-1967); C.D. Pritchet (1967-1976); P.M. Swan (1976-1982); N. McClosky (1982-1993); P. Burnell (1993- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Physics

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1910-

The first class in physics was offered during the 1910-1911 session. The department was charged with the task of developing classes designed to meet the physical science needs of all University colleges. The purchase of seismic instruments, the establishment of a campus weather station, and the planning and construction of the Physics Building were achieved during the department's first decade. Faculty interests in the 1920s and 1930s served as the foundation for much of the department's future research. Expertise in meteorology, climatology, and the physics of the aurora led to the creation of the Institute of Upper Atmospheric Physics (1956), the Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (1965), and the Space Engineering Division (SED Ltd) in 1965. Interest in nuclear physics led to the purchase of the Betatron (1948), the first non-commercial cobalt-60 unit for cancer treatment (1952), and the linear accelerator (1964). The following have served as head of the department: J.L. Hogg (1911-1919); A.G. McGougan (1919-1924); E.L. Harrington (1924-1952); B.W. Currie (1952-1961); R.N.H. Haslam (1961-1964); L. Katz (1956-1976); R. Montalbetti (9176-1991); E.J. Llewellyn (1991-1993); H.S. Caplan (1993- ).

University of Saskatchewan - College of Arts and Science, Department of Chemistry√

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1910-

The Department of Chemistry was created in 1910 and offered classes in General Chemistry, Analysis, Organic and Physical Chemistry. To meet the demands of the various colleges and schools it served, the department expanded its offerings to include Cereal Chemistry, Industrial and Applied Chemistry. In 1922 Chemical Engineering was added to the department's responsibilities until 1982 when it became a separate Engineering department. The areas of research have been varied, ranging from applied research projects related to the natural resources of the province to pure science problems. From an early point in the department's development it provided analytical services to both the public and private sectors but with a reduction in demand this was discontinued in 1990. The following have served as head of the department: R.D. MacLaurin (1910-1919); T. Thorvaldson (1919-1948); J.W.T. Spinks (1948-1959); K.J. MacCallum (1959-1970); J.M. Pepper (1970-1976); A.R. Knight (1976-1981); D.R. Grant (1981-1984); J.R. Woods (1984-1989); W.L. Waltz (1989-1994).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Philosophy

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1910-

The Department of Philosophy first appeared in the University Calendar of 1910, listing President Murray as a lecturer. In addition to the traditional classes on ethics, logic and religion the department offered classes in political science and psychology before those disciplines became separate departments. During the 1960s and 1970s the Department of Philosophy expanded its faculty to keep pace with the demand for both undergraduate and graduate courses. The department is known for its work in logic and act-utilitarianism. The following have served as head of the department: I.A. Mackay (1910-1912); L. Brehaut (1912-1918); J.A. Sharrard (1919-1946); J.V. Bateman (1947-1961); L.G. Millar (1961-1980); D.J. Crossley (1980-1983); T.Y. Henderson (1983-1985); P.T. Mackenzie (1985-1988); E. Dayton (1988-1995); D.J. Crossley (1995- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Germanic Languages

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1930-1989

German was offered in the University's first year of operation in 1909 with the Department of Germanic Languages being created in 1930. The Department was amalgamated with three other College of Arts and Science language units (Russian, Ukranian, and Spanish) into the new Department of Modern Languages in 1989. At the time the Departments of German and Slavic Studies were small, independent units in the College, and Spanish was part of the Department of French and Spanish.

University of Saskatchewan - Centre for Community Studies√

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1956-1966

The Centre for Community Studies, a joint University-Government program, was created in 1957. Its objective was to undertake research, disseminate knowledge and offer specialized advice with respect to the applied social sciences and the processes of community education. It specialized in the theory and practice of community change and development, using an inter-disciplinary approach: its staff came from sociology, economics, anthropology, social psychology, and history. In 1966 the Centre was incorporated as the Canadian Centre for Community Studies, with a head office in Ottawa.

University of Saskatchewan. College of Education. Coordinator of French Education

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1989-1992

In 1989 the College of Education appointed a Coordinator of French Programs. The program was designed to prepare French Immersion teachers and was a variation on the regular four year program. Two-thirds of the classes in the initial two years were taught in French and students attended a Quebec university during their third year. The program was eliminated in 1992. C. Larette (1989-1992) served as coordinator of the the program.

University of Saskatchewan. College of Education. Department of Educational Foundations

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1974-

The Department of Educational Foundations was created as a result of the College of Education reorganization of 1974. Courses are designed to enable undergraduate and graduate students to look at education from a general or more specialized perspective. The department is best known for its work in the philosophy and sociology of education. The following have served as head of the department: G.J. Langley (1974-1980); D.B. Cochrane (1981-1986); W. Stephan (1986-1991); D.B. Cochrane (1991-1994); R. Wickett (1994- ).

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