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Entidade coletiva Missions and missionaries√

White Cap Dakota Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0168
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 19??–

White Cap Dakota Pastoral Charge was formed sometime after 1925, as Moose Woods Pastoral Charge, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and primarily consisting of the Moose Woods (Whitecap) preaching place. As of 1940, Moose Woods was listed as a preaching point within Dundurn Pastoral Charge. In 1984, it joined the new Plains Presbytery, which became part of the All Native Circle Conference when it was formed, in 1989. As of April 23, 1998, the name was changed from Moose Woods to White Cap Dakota Pastoral Charge.

White Bear Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0167
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1969, ca.1976–

Moose Mountain Reserve (Indian Mission), was formed in 1925, as part of Arcola Presbytery. It was later included in Arcola-Estevan Presbytery and then Souris Valley Presbytery. For a time, the charge was amalgamated with Manor, under the name Manor-Moose Mountain Pastoral Charge and (later) the Manor-White Bear Pastoral Charge. Around 1976, the preaching points separated and re-formed as Manor Pastoral Charge and White Bear Pastoral Charge. In 1984, White Bear joined the new Plains Presbytery, which became part of the All Native Circle Conference when it was formed, in 1989.

The main preaching point in the charge is White Bear United Church, also known as the Moose Mountain Mission, which is located near Carlyle, Saskatchewan (south of Moose Mountain Provincial Park). Before Union, the preaching point was originally recorded as a Presbyterian mission, as early as 1889. A mission house built in 1896 continued to be used for the United Church of Canada congregation until a log chapel was built around 1940. A larger church was built in 1960.

White Bear Mission Field

  • SCAA-UCCS-0499
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–19??

White Bear Mission Field was formed as a new United Church field in 1925, part of Kindersley Presbytery (changed to Elrose Presbytery in 1926), with additional preaching points at Coteau and Clearwater. By 1951, the White Bear preaching point had joined Lacadena and Tyner, under Lacadena Pastoral Charge. Around 1983, Kyle-Lacadena Pastoral Charge was formed, containing the Kyle, Lacadena, White Bear and Tyner congregations.

Round Lake Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0172
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–2017

Round Lake Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, as part of Qu'Appelle Presbytery. As of 1958, appointments included Kahkewistahaw, Sakimay, and Ochapawace. By 1984, Cowessess has also been added. According to United Church Year Books, Cowessess and Ochapawace were no longer considered preaching places, ca.1989. As of February 24, 2017, Round Lake Pastoral Charge was officially closed.

McLean Bethel Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0445
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1960?, 1989–2000

McLean Bethel Pastoral Charge was initially created as a United Church mission field in 1925, part of Regina Presbytery. By 1926, it was listed as an aid-receiving pastoral charge, with additional points at Bethel and Davin. As of 1940, the charge only consisted of McLean, Bethel and Fairview, with Avonhurst added in 1951 or earlier. By 1962, McLean and Avonhurst were listed alongside Qu'Appelle and Edgeley, as part of Qu'Appelle Pastoral Charge.

On April 1, 1989, Edgeley and McLean formed separate pastoral charges (again). On June 30, 2000, McLean Bethel amalgamated with Balgonie Pastoral Charge to form Balgonie-McLean Pastoral Charge.

Kelliher Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0462
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Kelliher Mission Field was formed as a new United Church field in 1925, as part of Abernethy Presbytery and consisting of Kelliher, Leross, Eskdale and Eastward. In 1926, it was listed as an aid-receiving pastoral charge, with the addition of the New Haven appointment. As of 1951, Kelliher Pastoral Charge consisted of Eskdale, Garnock, Kelliher, and Lestock. By 1958, the charge was part of Yorkton Presbytery. As of 1962, preaching points included Holy Trinity (Leross), Ituna, John Wesley, Lestock, and Wishart -- by 1969, John Wesley and Lestock had left the charge. Holy Trinity (Leross) closed in 1982. Wishart closed January 1, 1992.

By the early 1990s, the Kelliher Pastoral Charge had been renamed Kelliher-Ituna Pastoral Charge. The combined charge officially closed on February 26, 2000, and the separate Kelliher Pastoral Charge and Ituna Pastoral Charge were formed (again).

Ituna Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0461
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1960, 2000–

Hubbard Mission Field was formed as a new United Church field in 1925, as part of Abernethy Presbytery and consisting of Hubbard, Ituna, Wyber and Tullymeet appointments. In 1926, it was listed as an aid-receiving pastoral charge. As of 1951, Hubbard Pastoral Charge was being served by a student minister and consisted of Bon Accord, Hubbard, Ituna, and Wyber. Around the mid-1950s, it was renamed Ituna Pastoral Charge, part of Yorkton Presbytery, before it joined Kelliher Pastoral Charge, ca.1960. (The charge would be re-named Kelliher-Ituna Pastoral Charge by the 1990s.)

Ituna Pastoral Charge was re-established, on February 26, 2000, after Kelliher-Ituna Pastoral Charge was dissolved. (Kelliher also formed a separate charge, alongside Ituna.)

Golden Prairie Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0494
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–1977

Golden Prairie Pastoral Charge was formed as a United Church mission field in 1925, part of Swift Current Presbytery and containing preaching points at Golden Prairie, Kellarville and Clifton. As of 1940, the charge included Golden Prairie, Foch and Richmond appointments. By the early 1970s, the minutes and Year Books identified it as a Pastoral Charge (in Cypress Hills Presbytery), operating without a regular minister. As of 1977, the Charge is no longer listed in Year Books. According to the Official Board minutes from Golden Prairie (reference no. A.785.XV.SA.275), on March 24, 1977, the congregation decided to amalgamate with Maple Creek (alongside Piapot), as of July 1. Future services were planned to take place at Maple Creek United Church.

File Hills Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0165
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–1969?, ca.1980–

File Hills Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, as the File Hills Colony Mission Field, part of the Abernethy Presbytery. It primarily consists of the File Hills (Wanakepew) preaching place, near Kamsack, Saskatchewan. From about 1969 to 1979/1980, File Hills was part of Pheasant Creek Larger Parish, before being re-established as a separate charge.

In 1984, File Hills Pastoral Charge joined the new Plains Presbytery, which became part of the All Native Circle Conference when it was formed, in 1989.

Anglia Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0435
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1932?

Anglia Pastoral Charge was initially formed as a United Church mission field in 1925, part of Kindersley Presbytery and containing preaching points at Anglia, Winona and Engen. Around 1926, it became a pastoral charge, with points at Anglia, Camberly, Oliver, and Cleland. By 1932, Anglia joined Fiske Pastoral Charge, which became part of the joint Herschel-Fiske Pastoral Charge, ca. 1951, alongside points at Fiske, Herschel and McGee (previous points Camberlay and Cleland had joined Kingsland Pastoral Charge).