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University of Saskatchewan, University Archives & Special Collections Pessoa

Wride, J.

  • SCN00243
  • Pessoa

Boyce, Herbert Frank

  • Pessoa
  • 1864-1951

Herbert Frank Boyce was born in India in December 1864. His father was an engineer who built bridges for the British in India. Boyce immigrated to Manitoba around 1882. The following year, he moved to Abernethy, Saskatchewan where he farmed. He served as a scout with the North-West Field Force under Captain John French during the armed conflict of 1885. In 1888, Boyce married Elizabeth Ward-Pridden and they had two daughters and two sons. Boyce moved to Qu’Appelle in 1892 where he operated the St. John’s College farm, where new British immigrants were taught farming skills. In 1907, Boyce became the librarian at the Carnegie Library in North Battleford. Upon his retirement in 1920, Boyce moved to British Columbia. After his wife died in 1928, Boyce moved back to Saskatoon around 1930. He spent his winters in Saskatoon but spent his summers at his cottage at Ladder Lake in the Big River area. Boyce was a lay-reader for the Anglican Church for 57 years and was involved in a number of organizations including a leader in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s, a life member of the Canadian Guild of Health, a Commissioner of the Boy Scouts, and a member of the Saskatoon Old Timers’ Association. Boyce had many hobbies including a noted stamp collection and a large collection of self-made walking sticks. Boyce died in Saskatoon on December 29, 1951. (“Veteran of Riel Rebellion, H.F. Boyce Dead at Age 87”, Saskatoon "StarPhoenix", 29 December 1951, p. 3).

Lydiard, John Munro

  • Pessoa
  • 1907-1981

John Munro (“Jack”) Lydiard attended the University of Saskatchewan between 1926 and 1930, earning a B.Sc. in 1930. During his college years, Jack was an avid photographer and was dedicated to student athletics. As a math teacher at Bedford Road Collegiate in Saskatoon, he also took on coaching duties for the (then) Bedford Road Redmen football team (now the Bedford Road Redhawks). In 1948, he became the founding president of the Saskatoon High Schools Athletics Association, and in 1949 he brokered an arrangement with the Saskatoon Hilltops Football Club to create the Saskatoon Track and Field Club. He later moved to Vancouver where he wrote the Grade 13 math textbook that was used throughout British Columbia, beginning in 1965. In retirement, he travelled throughout South America, Africa, and Asia. Jack Lydiard died on May 2, 1981.

Ross, Jessie Flora (Cattanach)

  • Pessoa
  • 1839-1937

Jessie Flora Cattanach was born in Laggan, Ontario, on November 10, 1839, the daughter of Donald Cattanach (1799-1883) and Flora MacKenzie (1813-1893). Her maternal grandmother, Annie MacDonald (1777-1849) emigrated from Skye, Scotland, in 1831; the Cattanach family Bible was in Gaelic. Jessie married Arthur Wellington Ross on July 30, 1873. Arthur Wellington Ross and Jessie Flora Ross divided much of their time between Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. They had three children: John, Donald, and Gertrude. (Gertrude was born in 1880 but died the following year.) Although her husband’s career would have provided Jessie with occasion to meet many of the people who signed her album, she must have been remarkably engaging to have persuaded so many individuals to sign. Family members suggest that, a diarist herself, Jessie understood the importance of recording names of interesting people she met during those formative years of Canada’s expansion west. Moreover, she appears to have encouraged her son and his wife to do the same; and her grandson and his wife continued the practice. Donald Aynsley Ross’ son, Arthur Dwight Ross, was an Air Commodore, wounded in action during World War II; he received the George Cross. He later became Aide-de-Camp for Alexander of Tunis when he was Governor General; his career, like that of his grandfather, enabled him to meet prominent individuals of his time. Jessie Flora Ross died on December 1, 1937.

Ross, Donald Aynsley

  • Pessoa
  • 1877-1956

Donald Aynsley Ross, the second son of Arthur Wellington Ross and Jessie Flora (Cattanach) Ross, was born in Winnipeg on September 26, 1877. He attended Upper Canada College and the University of Toronto. He became a mining engineer in British Columbia; and from 1900-1906, was a locating engineer for the Canadian Northern Railway, during which time he oversaw construction of the Pinawa Channel Dam on the Winnipeg River. In 1906, he formed an architectural partnership with Ralph B. Pratt. Ross died in Winnipeg on April 1, 1956.

Woolsey, Leonard Rutledge

  • Pessoa
  • 1922-2008

Leonard Rutledge Woolsey was born in Penzance, Saskatchewan in 1922 to Hulbert and Barbara Woolsey. Leonard Woolsey served in the Navy during World War Two and was a member of the crew of the HMCS Athabaskan, which was disabled by a German air attack in August 1943. He also served at sea on the HMCS Chaudiere. He received a commission, ending the war attached to the Royal Navy as a Fleet Air Arm Fighter Controller. After the war, Woolsey attended the University of Saskatchewan where he graduated from Mechanical Engineering in 1949. He worked as a senior executive with Gulf Oil. Leonard Woolsey died in 2008.

Woolsey, Barbara (Mitchell)

  • Pessoa
  • 1898-1981

Barbara (Mitchell) Woolsey was born in 1898. Barbara immigrated to Canada from Scotland in 1906. She married Hulbert Woolsey in 1915 and together they farmed at Penzance, Saskatchewan. Barbara and Hulbert had two daughters and ten sons. Barbara was an active member of the United Church and the Ladies Auxliary to the Legion. Her husband died in 1968. She moved to Regina in 1971 to enter a nursing home. She died in 1981.

Schmeiser, Douglas A.

  • Pessoa
  • 1934-2018

Douglas Schmeiser was born on May 22, 1934 in Bruno, Saskatchewan. He earned a BA (1954) and LLB (1956) from the University of Saskatchewan, and both a LLM (1958) and SJD (1963) from the University of Michigan. He was hired by the University of Saskatchewan as a special lecturer in 1956, and began teaching full-time in 1961. He was promoted to full professor in 1968. From 1964-1974, he served as director of graduate legal studies in the College of Law, and as Dean from 1974-1977. In 1995, he was named Professor Emeritus. Schmeiser is author of numerous books, including "Civil Liberties in Canada" (1964), "Cases and Comments on Criminal Law" (1st edition 1966; 5th edition 1985), "Cases on Canadian Civil Liberties" (1971), "The Native Offender and the Law" (1974), and "The Independence of Provincial Court Judges: A Public Trust" (1996). He has served as a constitutional consultant for various provincial governments, and internationally, as a consultant and advisor on law reform, constitutional and other legal matters to various governments. Among numerous other positions he has served as Director, Canadian Council for Human Rights; president of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers; and from 1982-1987 he served as chair of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan. His community service has included various positions with the Saskatoon United Appeal; trustee with the Saskatoon Catholic School Board; and a member of the executive for the University of Saskatchewan Retirees Association. He has been named an honourary life member of the Saskatoon United Way; honourary president of Nature Saskatchewan; and has received the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal for service to the legal community; the Distinguished Alumnus Award from St. Thomas More College, and in 2010 was given the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, the province’s highest honour. He passed away April 28, 2018.

Smith, Olena Jeanette (Sherven)

  • Pessoa
  • 1889-1972

Born in 1889 at Ridgeway, Iowa, to Norwegian pioneers (Ole and Henrietta Sherven), the fifth daughter of seven with a younger brother and four sisters, Olena came to a homestead 30 miles north of Watson, Saskatchewan in 1911. Olena’s interest in sketching animals at a young age led to her being enrolled in a Lutheran college in Red Wing, Minnesota in 1907, where she learned oil painting. She had previously taken a mail course doing a pen and ink perspective exercise. Her father encouraged further schooling, so she went to the Winnipeg School of Art during 1914-15 where pencil studies of the human form were taught using plaster models. She married Rutherford W. Smith sometime around 1920. In 1938, she went to the Winnipeg School of Art for a brief time; LeMoine FitzGerald, a member of the Group of Seven, was Head. Boarding with her sister on the U of S campus, she was able to get lessons from Gus Kenderdine who had been appointed the university’s first art instructor. Two copies of Kenderdine oil paintings survive from these lessons. Her first showing was held in Saskatoon. She exhibited oils “Winter” and “Autumn,” scenes from the farm. She attended the Emma Lake summer school for three seasons. Instructors included Kenneth Lochhead, Arthur McCay, Reta Cowley, H.W. Wickenden, and Winona Mulcaster. In later winters at Edinburgh, Texas, Olena enjoyed doing street scenes in Mexico and some portraits in pencil. Retiring to Melfort, she continued to sketch, making notes on colours for future paintings. She died in Melfort in 1972 at the age of 83.

Elliott, Arthur James

  • Pessoa
  • 1895-1976

Arthur James Elliott was born April 27, 1895 in Killarney, Manitoba. The family moved to Fielding, Saskatchewan. Elliott attended the University of Saskatchewan. Arthur enlisted for service in World War One, as a private, on June 19, 1916. He was promoted to Lieutenant in June 1917. After being injured A.J. returned to Canada in 1918 and then re-enlisted in the Expeditionary Force in Vladivostok, Russia, in 1919. He re-enlisted again in 1940, this time as a member of the Veteran’s Guard. He died in Sointula, British Columbia, in 1976.

Phillips, Tanyss (nee Bell)

  • Pessoa
  • 1926-2016

Tanyss Bell Phillips was born on January 1, 1926 in San Francisco, California and grew up on a farm near Chelan, Saskatchewan. She obtained several degrees including a BA (1946) and BA (HHon, 1947) at the University of Saskatchewan, MA (1948) at the University of Toronto, and an M.Litt (1951) from Girton College at the University of Cambridge. She was one of the earliest female economists in Canada and worked with the research department at the Bank of Canada in Ottawa (1947-1948), with the Saskatchewan Royal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Life (1952-1954), and was an instructor at the University of Regina from 1960-1973. She married R.H.D. Phillips in 1951. She also served many years as an elected alumni representative for Regina on the University of Saskatchewan Senate (1966-72). Later in life, Tanyss was a books editor in Saskatoon. She was also a board member of the Saskatoon Salvation Army. She was awarded the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award in 2004. Tanyss Phillips died June 10, 2016 in Saskatoon.

Skelly, Conway James

  • SCN00295
  • Pessoa
  • 1922-1949

Conway James Skelly was born in Ontario in 1922. He graduated from the School of Agriculture in 1947. Skelly died in 1949.

Crerar, Harry, General

  • SCN00297
  • Pessoa
  • 1888 - 1965

General Henry Duncan Graham "Harry" Crerar CH, CB, DSO, CD, PC (1888 -1965) was a senior officer of the Canadian Army who became the country's leading field commander in World War II, where he commanded the First Canadian Army.

Forsey, Eugene Alfred

  • SCN00298
  • Pessoa
  • 1904-1991

Eugene Alfred Forsey PC CC FRSC (1904–1991) served in the Senate of Canada from 1970 to 1979 and was considered to be one of Canada's foremost constitutional experts.

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