Showing 14964 results


Bronson, Donna

  • Person

Donna Rosalie Bronson grew up in Craik, Saskatchewan, and attended the University of Saskatchewan. She graduated with a BA in 1930.

Brooks, E. J.

  • Person
  • 1849-1939

Edwin Jackson Brooks was born at Lennoxville, Quebec and came west with his twin brother Edward in July, 1882. They chose land just west of Indian Head only to be told that the land was already taken by the Qu'Appelle Valley Farming Company (the Bell Farm). Brooks later settled on land north of Indian Head (Wide Awake District). He also became a prominent store owner in Indian Head and lived to the age of 90. He was also selected to serve on the jury of Louis Riel in 1885.

Results 1636 to 1650 of 14964