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University of Saskatchewan, University Archives & Special Collections Instelling

Avenue Community Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity

  • Instelling
  • 1991-

The Avenue Community Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity was originally incorporated in 1991 as Gay & Lesbian Health Services, a non-profit agency in Saskatoon working to address health and social issues in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer (LGBT2Q) community. In 2005 it became The Avenue Community Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, and in 2015 its name changed again to OUTSaskatoon.

University of Saskatchewan. College of Pharmacy and Nutrition√

  • Instelling
  • 1994-

Following passage of the Saskatchewan Pharmacy Act in 1911, the newly incorporated Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association requested the University of Saskatchewan undertake the training and examination of pharmacists. A School within the College of Arts and Science was established in 1913 and the following year, 22 students enrolled in a one-year certificate program following a three-year apprenticeship. In 1921 the School became a College offering a four-year course leading to a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Three years later the certificate program was extended to two years. In 1946 the four-year BSP was a requirement for license in Saskatchewan. In 1987 a Division of Nutrition and Dietetics was established in the College of Pharmacy. Prior to this, Nutrition and Dietetics had been offered in the College of Home Economics. In 1994 the College was renamed the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

University of Saskatchewan - Murray Memorial Library√

  • SCN00079
  • Instelling
  • 1956 - present

Though the first recorded withdrawal from the University Library occurred in October 1909, nearly five decades passed before the Library had its own building. The early collection was housed either on the second floor of the College Building, later known as the Administration Building, or was scattered among a number of small departmental libraries. Plans for a new library building in the late 1920s were ended by the start of the Great Depression; but a dramatically reduced acquisitions budget was offset by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation in 1933. In 1943 the University hired its first professional Librarian.

A combination of provincial grants and University fundraising financed the construction of the Murray Memorial Library. Named after the University’s first President, the H. K. Black design marked a change in campus architecture away from the more angular and elaborate Collegiate Gothic style to that of the less expensive cube. Building materials included granite at the entrance and Tyndall stone (the material greystone replaced in 1911) as a wall cladding and window trim. In addition to the library, the building housed the College of Law, an office of the Provincial Archives and a 105 seat lecture theatre equipped with the latest in audio visual teaching aids.

Over the next two decades the University Library System mirrored the expansion of the University in general. Branches were opened in Education, Health Sciences, Law, Engineering, Geography/Physics, Thorvaldson, and Veterinary Medicine. The most dramatic transformation took place between 1970 and 1976 when a six floor south wing was added along with an extensive renovation of the 1956 structure. Designed by BLM, Regina, the south wing was unlike any other building on campus. Clad in Tyndall stone panels made to look like concrete (through a "bush hammered" finish), the grey almost windowless building is industrial and utilitarian in appearance. The University's master plan required buildings in the core of campus to be clad in stone. However, the "bush hammered" finish was used since the Library addition was built during a period that saw the flowering of "Brutalist" Architecture, so called because of the wide use of exposed concrete. The new (south) wing, originally called the Main Library, was officially opened on 17 May 1974, and also became the home of the Department of Art and Art History, the College of Graduate Studies and the University Archives.

University of Saskatchewan - Qu'Appelle Hall√

  • SCN00078
  • Instelling
  • 1914 - present

Designed by Brown and Vallance, construction began on Qu’Appelle Hall in 1914 but was sporadic. Delays meant that some building material was subject to the war tax, an additional 5%; and over the winter of 1915 frost damaged the swimming pool, another of many unforeseen expenses. The building was finally completed in 1916, at a cost of $250,000. Originally known simply “Student’s Residence No. 2,” the name “Qu’Appelle Hall” was first mentioned in the minutes of the Board’s executive committee in September 1916. Designed as a men’s residence, construction began on Qu’Appelle Hall in 1914 but was sporadic. Delays meant that some building material was subject to the war tax, an additional 5%; and over the winter of 1915 frost damaged the swimming pool, another of many unforeseen expenses. The building was finally completed in 1916, at a cost of $250,000. It included a swimming pool, with lockers purchased from the YMCA, and the dining hall was immediately put to use as a gymnasium–facilities “rendering the Physical Training, which all must take, a pleasure not a penance.” As well as student quarters, Qu’Appelle Hall was used to provide office space and a place for a museum. Normal School (Education) used the first floor; some language classes were also taught there. In 1917 part of the building was used by Emmanuel students while returned soldiers studying Engineering used their building; and in the 1930s, the COTC was quartered in the north end of the Qu’Appelle Hall basement. The building was used for classes and offices until construction of the Arts building in 1960. In the early 1960s the Board of Governors decided that “there should be accommodation on campus for at least one-third of the out of town students,” and authorized an addition to Qu’Appelle to house another 60 students–an increase of 50%. The $731,000 addition, designed by Izumi, Arnott and Sugiyama, was completed in 1963.

Montreal Lake Cree Nation

  • Instelling
  • 1889-

“In 1876, Governor Alexander Morris, appointed by federal Order-in-Council, was empowered as a Treaty Commissioner to negotiate a treaty with First Nations living within the limits of what would become Treaty Six. He, alone, had the authority to negotiate a lawful treaty; and he did with the Plains and Wood Cree Indians and other tribes of Indians between August 23-29 and on September 9, 1876… On February 11, 1889, the Montreal Lake Cree Band signed an adhesion to Treaty #6 under Chief William Charles. The Treaty adhesion gave them rights to 14,720 acres of land. Surveyor Ponton met with the Montreal Lake Cree Band and the Assistant Commissioner on September 17th. They discussed a reserve and decided upon the location of that reserve. The reserve, as surveyed by Ponton and containing 23 square miles of land, was set apart as Montreal Lake Indian Reserve #106.” (from

University of Saskatchewan - St. Chad's College

  • SCN00275
  • Instelling
  • 1907-present

St. Chad College was established in Regina in 1907 for the training of divinity students. It amalgamated with Emmanuel College and moved to the Saskatoon campus in 1964. The Chapel of St. Chad was designed by Webster, Forrester and Scott of Saskatoon and constructed in 1965 and 1966. Located between Emmanuel College and Rugby Chapel near the Wiggins Street entrance, the stone clad structure’s dominant feature is its souring roof line.

Victoria School (Saskatoon)

  • SCN00268
  • Instelling
  • 1887-present

The original Victoria School, now known as the Little Stone Schoolhouse (LSS), was built in 1887 by Alexander Marr, known for owning the Marr residence, currently the oldest residential building in Saskatoon. The LSS building was not only Saskatoon’s first school and library, it was also its first public building. In the evenings, various community events were held here, such as dances, meetings and various religious events. The one-room school house was used until a two room school house was constructed in 1905, followed by an even larger Victoria School in 1909, officially assuming the role of the original Victoria School. In 1911 the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire raised funds to preserve and relocate the building to the University of Saskatchewan campus. The school was carefully dismantled and moved. Almost 50 years later, in 1967, the Saskatoon Council of Women raised money to renovate the building and officially opened the LSS as a museum. Later that year the LSS was declared a Municipal Heritage Site and eventually Provincial Heritage Property in 1982. The Little Stone Schoolhouse continues to play an important role in the Saskatoon community and on the University of Saskatchewan campus. The U of S took over the operation of the building in 1981 and the Diefenbaker Canada Centre has ensured the continued appreciation of this historical landmark. The main Little Stone Schoolhouse program focuses on a historical introduction and the docent roleplaying as a school teacher.

Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association√

  • SCN00206
  • Instelling
  • 1911-present

Following passage of the Saskatchewan Pharmacy Act in 1911, the newly incorporated Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association requested the University of Saskatchewan undertake the training and examination of pharmacists. A School within the College of Arts and Science was established in 1913 and the following year, 22 students enrolled in a one-year certificate program following a three-year apprenticeship. In 1921 the School became a College offering a four-year course leading to a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Three years later the certificate program was extended to two years. In 1946 the four-year BSP was a requirement for license in Saskatchewan. In 1987 a Division of Nutrition and Dietetics was established in the College of Pharmacy. Prior to this, Nutrition and Dietetics had been offered in the College of Home Economics. In 1994 the College was renamed the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

University of Saskatchewan - Linear Accelerator (Linac)√

  • SCN00231
  • Instelling
  • 1951-present

The building of the Linear Accelerator (Linac) was not a random event but rather the result of a series of developments on campus. The Department of Physics had over the previous decades built a reputation for experimentation and innovation. The post-war period saw the University of Saskatchewan in the forefront of nuclear physics in Canada. In 1948, Canada’s first betatron (and the world’s first used in the treatment of cancer) was installed on campus. It was used for research programs in nuclear physics, radiation chemistry, cancer therapy and radiation biology. Next the world’s first non-commercial cobalt-60 therapy unit for the treatment of cancer was officially opened in 1951. With this unit research was undertaken in the areas of radiological physics, radiation chemistry and the effects of high energy radiation on plants and animals. When the construction of the Linear Accelerator was announced in the fall of 1961, it was portrayed as the next logical step on the University’s research path. Varian Associates, Palo Alto, California, designed and built the accelerator with Poole Construction of Saskatoon employed as the general contractor. The 80 foot electron accelerator tube was to create energy six times that of the betatron. The cost of the $1,750,000 facility was split between the National Research Council and the University of Saskatchewan with the NRC meeting the cost of the equipment and the University assuming the costs of the building. The official opening in early November of 1964 was more than just a few speeches and the cutting of a ribbon. It was a physics-fest, with 75 visiting scientist from around the world in attendance presenting papers and giving lectures over the period of several days. Three eminent physicists were granted honorary degrees at the fall convocation and hundreds of people showed up for the public open house. For three decades the Linac has served the campus research community and will continue to do so as it has become incorporated into the Canadian Light Source synchrotron.

N.B. Hutcheon Trophy

  • SCN00092
  • Instelling

Trophy honouring Dr. Neil B. Hutcheon who was professor of Mechanical Engineering from 1937-1953.

Shuttleworth Mathematical Society

  • SCN00106
  • Instelling
  • November 1916 -

The Shuttleworth Mathematical Society was designed to give students interested in mathematics an opportunity to meet in an informal setting, and was open to all students who had completed one math class and were registered in a second. The Society was originally formed in November 1916 as the University Mathematical Society. It was renamed in honour of Roy Eugene Shuttleworth, a brilliant honours student who had been the first president of the organization. Shuttleworth was born in 1896 in Leavenworth, Washington. He was a student at the University of Saskatchewan. He served as a private with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regiment). Shuttleworth died in combat during World War I on 26 August 1918 at Vimy Ridge, France. His name is inscribed on the Vimy Memorial. The society has been inactive for many years.

University of Saskatchewan - College Building√

  • SCN00011
  • Instelling
  • 1910 - present

Designated as a provincial heritage property in 1982 and as a National Historic Site in 2001, the University of Saskatchewan's first building has long served as the architectural, intellectual and emotional cornerstone of the campus. Designed by Brown and Vallance, the College Building was originally intended ultimately to house the College of Agriculture; but from the start, served numerous purposes. As early as April 1910, the floor plan included space for milk testing, butter making, cheese making, grain work; a gymnasium; several classrooms; offices for the Registrar, Dean of Agriculture, Director of Extension, and President; the original "faculty club"; laboratories; the library; and quarters for the janitor. After a sod-turning ceremony on 4 May 1910, the cornerstone was laid by Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier on 29 July 1910. It was constructed between 1910-1912 by Smith Bros. and Wilson general contractors. Completed in 1912, the building was officially opened by Walter Scott, Premier of Saskatchewan, on 1 May 1913. The College Building serves as a memorial to much of the University's history: numerous plaques to individuals and organizations can be found in its interior, including memorial ribbons honouring members of the university community who served in the First World War. In 1997, the University created "Nobel Plaza" in front of the College Building, honouring two Nobel Laureates associated with the University: Gerhard Herzberg and Henry Taube. As the University grew, the College Building gradually became the administrative centre for the University. By the 1950s, most of the original teaching facilities were taken over by new or expanded offices including those of the registrar, controller, alumni and news services, and presidential staff. The building became known as the Administration Building at this point, and later the "old Administration Building" to distinguish it from the new wing. This expansion continued through the 1960s and 1970s, particularly with the appointment of a university secretary and vice-presidents. While Convocation Hall became too small for regular Convocation ceremonies by 1930, it maintained its original, broader function as a venue for concerts, meetings, lectures, and other events. Parts of the building were declared to be unsafe in 1979, which led to the construction of the new wing of the Administration Building, opened in 1987. Most of the original building was closed, but Convocation Hall remained in use until 1997. The building was reopened and officially rededicated as the College Building in September 2005 after a major rehabilitation project. The rehabilitation was reported to be "one of the largest heritage conservation projects in Canada - second only to the work being done on Parliament Hill." In addition to senior administrative offices and Convocation Hall, it became home to the Museum of Antiquities and new gallery space for the University Art Collection. Upon completion in 2012 the University Board of Governors renamed the Administration Building the Peter MacKinnon Building, in honour of Peter MacKinnon, retiring University President and a driving force behind the project.

University of Saskatchewan. Summer School.

  • Instelling
  • 1914-

The University Summer School emerged in 1914; for the first three years (1914-1917), the Department of Education assumed responsibility for the direction and support of the school. Only school teachers took the courses; these were designed to improve instruction in agriculture, household science, nature study, art, and elementary science. In 1917, at the request of the Department, the University took over management of the School, and classes were offered leading to a degree. Classes were given in English, Latin, Chemistry, Physics, and Field Husbandry (Morton, p.110). From 1919 to 1937, G.H. Ling was Director; during his tenure it grew into one of the largest and best known university summer schools in Canada (Morton, p.71).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of History

  • Instelling
  • 1909-

The Department of History was one of the original four departments of the University. E.H. Oliver gave the first lecture on the first day of classes, set the first examination, and did the first research--collecting and editing documents concerning the history of Western Canada. The first MA awarded by the University was in History (1912). The History Department also played an important role in the founding of the Departments of Economics. Political Science, and Anthropology and Archaeology. Classes were original offered in Ancient, Medieval, Modern European and British History. As time progressed classes were added in Canadian, American, Slavic, and World History. The following have served as head of the department: E.H. Oliver (1909-1914); F.H. Underhill (1914-1915); A.S. Morton (1915-1940); G. Simspson (1940-1958); H. Neatby (1958-1969); I.N. Lambi (1969-1974); P.G. Bietenholz (1974-1978); T.D. Regher (1978-1982); H.C. Johnson (1982-1984); J.M. Hayden (1984-1988); C.A. Kent (1988-1990); D. Miquelon (1990-1995); W.A. (Bill) Waiser (1995-1998); Larry Stewart (1998-2003); Dave DeBrou (2003-March 2004); Martha Smith-Norris (Acting head) April-June 2004; Brett Fairbairn (2004-2006); Chris Kent (2006-2007); Brett Fairbairn (2007-2008); Valerie Korinek (2008- ).

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