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Entidade coletiva United Church of Canada√

United Church Woman’s Association (W.A.), Saskatchewan Conference

  • SCAA-UCCS-0141
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1950–1962

The United Church Woman's Association (W.A.) in Saskatchewan appears to have been formed by the 1950s, or possibly earlier. It primarily operated in local and presbytery-level units before the organization of the national-level Dominion Council of the Woman's Association, in 1940. Efforts of the W.A. generally supported the local church and community, while other organizations focused on education and world mission programs.

In 1962, United Church W.M.S. and W.A. organizations across the country amalgamated to form the United Church Women (U.C.W.). Presbyterial and local groups developed along similar lines to national bodies, becoming local and presbyterial U.C.W. units in January 1962.

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