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University of Saskatchewan, University Archives & Special Collections Corporate body

Agricultural Students' Association (University of Saskatchewan)

  • Corporate body
  • 1920-

The first meeting of the Agricultural Students' Association of the University of Saskatchewan was held on March 20, 1920. It was formed as "a result of the cessation of the War, with its consequent effects in student enrollment." With greater numbers of students, "many new organizations [appeared, which] caused considerable overlapping in student activities with no central body in control." At the request of his fellow students, 4th-year president J.B. Harrington called a general meeting of College of Agriculture students on February 10, 1920. A subcommittee was formed to draft a constitution; that constitution was approved, and the ASA officially formed in March. Among the objectives of the Association was the development of rural leadership and the promotion of agricultural education in the province; although, as with most student organizations, its primary function was to promote fellowship among the students and to serve as a medium of communication between students and faculty.

Agriculture Building Campaign

  • SCN00229
  • Corporate body
  • 1986

The "Partners in Growth" Campaign raised over $12 million toward the cost of the Agriculture Building. Donors included faculty, alumni, students, individuals and corporations. The campaign, begun in 1986, was organized by Ketchum Canada Inc. and directed by Scott Smardon.

AIDS Regina

  • SCN00269
  • Corporate body
  • 1985 - present

Alpha Omega Society

  • SCN00026
  • Corporate body
  • 1930-

The Alpha Omega Society was created in 1930. Its objective was to "foster such social and intellectual activities as will bring the students of Ukrainian descent into a closer bond and a clearer understanding withe the rest of the University."

Amati Instruments

  • SCN00094
  • Corporate body
  • 1968 -

Three string quartets bearing the name Amati have been based in Canada. Two separate Amati string quartets have performed on 17th-century instruments built by the Amati family of Italy, and owned by the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. A third unrelated Amati String Quartet was based in Ontario, primarily Toronto, from 1985 to 2000. This first Amati String Quartet was founded in 1968 by Murray Adaskin and three other faculty members of the University of Saskatchewan: Norma Lee Bisha (second violin), Michael Bowie (viola), and Edward Bisha (cello). It gave its first concert on 2 February 1969. Later that same year, Robert Klose was named second violin and Norma Lee Bisha replaced Michael Bowie. The personnel remained stable until the group was supplanted in 1971 by the Canadian Arts Trio after fewer than 10 formal concerts. The quartet was too short-lived to develop a wide repertoire or a distinctive style. The University of Saskatchewan Amati Quartet in Residence was established in August 2003 and also played on the university’s Amati instruments. This quartet had previously been known as the Cole Quartet. The initial members were Marla Cole (1968-2017) first violin), Michael Swan (second violin), Geoff Cole (viola) and Linda Bardutz (cello). In 2004, Luke Henny became second violinist and Peter Hedlin replaced Bardutz as cellist. The Amati Quartet performs a yearly recital series, including a Thanksgiving Monday concert, and plays at various University of Saskatchewan events. It performed for Queen Elizabeth II in honour of Saskatchewan’s 100th anniversary in May 2005, and since its opening season has undertaken a project to perform all of Haydn’s string quartets. The Amati instruments at the University of Saskatchewan — one violin built in 1627, another violin built in 1637, the viola in 1607 and the cello in 1690 — are the only set in Canada built by the Amati family of Cremona. The viola’s back bears the painted crest of the Borghese family that commissioned it. All were purchased by Kindersley, Sask. collector Stephen Kolbinson (1888-1986) and sold to the university in 1959 for $20,000 on the condition that the university establish an Amati string quartet. The Canadian Arts Trio (active 1971–1975) — which comprised Robert Klose (violin), Edward Bisha (cello) and Robin Harrison (piano) — used two of the four Amati instruments owned by the university. The Amati instruments were lent to Victoria's Lafayette Quartet 1992-1998. They have also occasionally been played by members of the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra. The estimated value of the instruments is approximately $3 million (2020).

Ambrosi Printers

  • Corporate body
  • 1929-2014

The company was formed in December 6, 1929, by Michael Ambrosi in Regina, Saskatchewan, after buying out Broche. In the early days, Michaels mothers did the bookkeeping and bindery work. At the age of thirty, Michael married a woman named Bernice, and together they had three children (a step-daughter and two sons). Michael worked full time, and it wasn’t until after his death that any of his children took an interest in the business, with son Phil Ambrosi taking over the work. The company prided itself on traditional craftsmanship and quality work. Ambrosi Printer’s expertise lay in letterpress printing which involved the casting of type using hot metal on a Ludlow Typograph machine. All of the equipment was entirely mechanical and had no electronic controls at all. For years, Ambrosi Printers not only printed directly for customers, but also cast and sold a very wide variety of hot metal type set on a Ludlow machine to other printers all across North America.
The company was one of the last Printers around that cast type using the Ludlow Typograph system and at one time had well over 1200 fonts for customers to choose from. Type was set using three Ludlow machines while printing was one using the shop’s four Heidelbergs.
Primarily, the company printed or imprinted the following items or provided: Foreign Language Business Cards & Stationery; General Business & Professional Stationery; All Kind of Die Cutting – Memoriam Cards -Prayer Cards; Poetry Cards – Mini Jigsaw Puzzles – Serviettes; Crash printing (front & back) – Grain Bags – Paper Bags; Legal Seals – Notion Bags – Notorial Seals – Rubber Stamps; Photo Mounts – Envelopes from Drug to X-Ray; Place Cards for Banquets; All Kinds of Numbering with Figures to 6? high; Blockout & Re-Print; Imprint Folded Brochures – Imprint File Folders
Ambrosi Printers, the last remaining manual printer in the province, closed its doors in December 2014 after 85 years in business.

Anthropologists Among US

  • Corporate body
  • 2006-2008

Anthropologists Among US was a student-led campaign organized by the Anthropologists Student Association. During the 2000s, Anthropology classes at the University of Saskatchewan were shifted between departments. Originally paired with Archaeology, Anthropology classes were joined with the Department of Religious Studies in 2002 creating the Department of Religious Studies & Anthropology in an attempt to ensure the long-term stability of both programs. Despite this change, several tenured Anthropology faculty retired or left and were not replaced. In the fall of 2006, the situation reached a head when a number of Anthropology courses were cancelled because there was only one tenured Anthropology Professor left at the University. The Anthropologists Student Association decided to mount a publicity campaign in an attempt to secure the future of the program. In 2008, Anthropology was moved back with Archaeology, again forming the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.

Avenue Community Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity

  • Corporate body
  • 1991-

The Avenue Community Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity was originally incorporated in 1991 as Gay & Lesbian Health Services, a non-profit agency in Saskatoon working to address health and social issues in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer (LGBT2Q) community. In 2005 it became The Avenue Community Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, and in 2015 its name changed again to OUTSaskatoon.

Biible of Borso d'Este

  • SCN00089
  • Corporate body
  • 1455-1461

The Bible of Borso d'Este is a two volume manuscript. The illuminated miniatures, work of Italian Taddeo Crivelli and others, were executed between 1455 and 1461.


  • Corporate body
  • 1983-2000

Incorporated in February 1983, Biostar Inc. is a research, development, production, and marketing agency for animal and poultry health care products. Additionally, Biostar serves as commercial partner for the Veterinary Infectious Diseases Organization (VIDO).

Biostar Inc.

  • Corporate body
  • 1983-present

BIOSTAR Inc., a federally incorporated company was launched to market animal health technologies and products developed at VIDO to national and international biological production companies


  • Corporate body

Campus Day Care Cooperative (University of Saskatchewan)

  • Corporate body

On 29 May 1975, a group of University personnel and students met to discuss the feasibility of building a day care facility on the University campus. They presented a proposal to construct a 3,000-square foot building on a 1.3 acre site east of the farm residences; it was estimated that the building could provide daycare services for approximately 52 children, at a capital cost of $289,000. The proposal was accepted by the Board of Governors, but was not initially accepted by the Universities Commission; although the Commission eventually lent their support as well. However, the provincial Treasury Board refused to provide capital funding, arguing that such a facility would establish an unwelcome precedent for other government or public employees. Although the Cooperative documented similar facilities at other universities and noted that the day care was intended to benefit students as well as employees, the government did not accept their arguments.

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