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Cicansky, Vic, 1935-

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Sculptor Vic Cicansky was born in Regina, Sakatchewan in 1935. He completed a Bachelor of Education at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon in 1964, and a Bachelor of Arts at Regina Campus in 1967. He studied at the Haystack Mountain School of Art in Deer Island, Maine, and at the Universty of California, Davis, where he obtained a Master of Fine Arts in 1970. That same year he began teaching at Regina Campus, where he continued in the Department of Visual Arts until his retirement in 1994. He was granted Emeritus status from the University of Regina at that time. Cicansky's work, chiefly ceramic sculptures and wall murals, has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions at public and commercial galleries across Canada and in the United States, England, France and China. He has undertaken several important commissions including "The Old Working Class" (1977) and "The New Working Class" (1981), both in the Sturdy-Stone Building in Saskatoon, and "The Garden Fence" (1983-84) in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation building in Regina. His work is represented internationally in numerous private and institutional collections. Besides his teaching at the University of Regina, Cicansky has taught courses in Banff, Halifax, Davis, California and Newfoundland, and has presented various workshops, lectures and slide presentations across Canada. He has been a member of several Canada Council and other art competition juries. He has also served on the Saskatchewan Arts Board, the Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery Board, the Wascana Centre Arts Advisory Committee, and the Applied Arts Advisory Committee of the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Woodland Campus. Upon Cicansky's return from California in 1970, he resided in Craven, Saskatchewan where he served serveral terms on the Village Council. He lived in Craven until 1989. Currently he lives in Regina where he continues to create sculptures at his Ceramsky Art Works studio. Cicansky met American artist David Zack in San Francisco when Cicansky was studying at the University of California, in Davis. Zack lived in Rainbow house, a house he had painted entirely in rainbow colours, where informal monthly meetings of artists would take place. When a position for an art historian came up at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, Cicansky urged Zack to apply for it. Zack was successful in securing the position, and came to Regina in 1969 to teach. He taught various courses and classes at the university until 1974, when he was not rehired. Zack left the community, but reappeared upon occasion until about 1988. It is unknown what subsequently happened to him.

Cowasjee, Saros

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Full name: Saros Dara Cowasjee. His parents were Dara (father) and Meher (mother) Cowasjee. He has one sister, Sabar, and one brother, Shyam. Place of residence: Saros Cowasjee was born July 12, 1931 in Secundrabad, India. He lived in India until he went to England in 1957 to work on his Ph.D. He remained in England until 1960, then travelled to Bombay to be Assistant Editor at the Times of India Press. In 1963 he came to Regina, Saskatchewan, to assume the post of Instructor of English at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, the forerunner of the University of Regina. Education: He was educated at St. John's College, Agra, India, where he completed a Bachelor of Arts in 1951. He received his Master of Arts degree in 1955 from Agra College, India, then completed a Ph.D. in 1960 from the University of Leeds in England on Sean O'Casey, under the supervision of the renowned Shakespearean scholar, G. Wilson Knight. Occupation, life, and activities: After a brief stint with the Times of India Press from 1960 to 1963, Cowasjee was appointed Instructor of English at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus. He attained the title of full professor in 1971. He retired and was appointed Professor Emeritus in 1995. Cowasjee was also Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley in 1970-71, Visiting Commonwealth Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark, from January to June 1975, and has been a guest lecturer at a number of universities in Europe, Australia, North America, India, Fiji, and Singapore. In addition to his teaching, Cowasjee has been a prolific writer. He is the author of five works of criticism: 'Sean O'Casey: The Man Behind the Plays' (1963), 'O'Casey' (1966), 'Coolie: An Assessment' (1976), 'So Many Freedoms: A Study of the Major Fiction of Mulk Raj Anand' (1977), and 'Studies in Indian and Anglo-Indian Fiction' (1993). He has written three novels: 'Goodbye to Elsa' (1974), 'Suffer Little Children' (1982), and 'The Assistant Professor' (1996); two books of short stories, 'Stories and Sketches' (1970), and 'Nude Therapy' (1978); and a screenplay, 'The Last of the Maharajas' (1980). He has edited and written introductions for numerous works, among them being three anthologies on writers from the Raj period of India (published as a series by Harper Collins): 'Stories from the Raj' (1982), 'More Stories from the Raj and After' (1986), and 'Women Writers of the Raj: Short Fiction' (1990). His other Harper Collins publications include his critical introductions to Christine Weston's 'Indigo' (1993) and Sir George Otto Trevelyan's 'The Competition Wallah'. There is also 'The Best Short Stories of Flora Annie Steel' (1995), selected and edited by him, with his introduction dealing with the author's life and works. Equally important is Cowasjee's work as General Editor of Arnold Heinemann's 'Literature of the Raj' series, beginning in 1984. In the nine out-of-print fiction works published under Cowasjee's editorship, he wrote introductions to the reprints of 'Durbar' (1987), Indigo (1987), 'Siri Ram - Revolutionist' (1988), and 'Hindoo Holiday' (first published through Cowasjee's efforts in India in 1979, but later was included in this series). In addition, Cowasjee has edited and/or written introductions to other works, has contributed to various publications, and written numerous articles.

Crossman, Les

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Dr. Lester G. Crossman was with the English Department of the University of Regina from 1945 to 1980. Born in Rosetown on 24 May 1913, he attended the Saskatoon Normal School from 1932 to 1933, after which he taught in rural schools near Rosetown for two years. Crossman attended the University of Saskatchewan from 1935 to 1941, where he received a B.A. in 1938, Honours English in 1939, and a B.Ed. in 1941. After a teaching stint at the Rosetown High School in 1941-1942, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, became a navigator, and was stationed in England until his discharge and appointment at Regina College in 1945. In the meantime, he married Margaret Hutcheon in 1944. Crossman completed his M.A. from the University of Saskatchewan in1946, and his PhD from the University of Washington in 1957. He was Supervisor of Matriculation and Adult Admissions programs from 1965-1973, Chairman of the English Department from 1967-1970, a member of the Division IV English Curriculum committee which published revisions for Saskatchewan schools in 1970-1980, and member of the selection committee for the Leacock Medal for Humour from 1977-1980. He also served on various federal, provincial and municipal arts and academic bodies. After his retirement in 1980, Dr. Crossman became Professor Emeritus of English, and received an Honorary Degree from the University of Regina in Spring of 1983 in recognition of his service to the University. He currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia.

Crozier, Lorna, 1948-

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Lorna Crozier was born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan in 1948. Her parents were Emmerson and Peggy Crozier. She graduated from W.A. Beatty Collegiate in Swift Current in 1966. She studied at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus (now the University of Regina) and obtained her Bachelor of Arts (with Distinction), from the University of Saskatchewan in 1969. She received a Master of Arts from the University of Alberta in 1980. In addition to her university education, she attended creative writing courses at the Saskatchewan Summer School of the Arts at Fort San (1974-1977), and took courses in Advanced Writing and Speech Writing from the Public Service Commission in 1982 and 1983 respectively. Crozier taught high school English in rural Saskatchewan from 1970 to 1973, and taught English (both composition and Canadian literature, variously) at the University of Regina (1976), the University of Alberta (1978-1979), and the University of Saskatchewan (1986-1991). Since 1991, she has been Associate Professor in the Department of Writing at the University of Victoria. She has also been Writer-in-Residence at the University of Toronto (1988, 1989-1990), Douglas College, British Columbia (1989), University of Lethbridge (1987), and the Regina Public Library (1984-1985), among others. Crozier has nine published books of poetry to her name, including 'The Garden Going On Without Us' (1985), 'Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence' (1988), and 'Inventing the Hawk' (1992). Her poetry has been included in dozens of journals and magazines, including NeWest Review, Quarry, Border Crossings, and Poetry Ireland. Crozier's work has also been featured in numerous anthologies, and her poetry and writing have resulted in her winning many prizes, such as First Prize in the CBC Radio National Poetry Competition (1987), the Western Magazine Award for Nonfiction (1989), the Governor General's Award for Poetry (1992), the National Magazine Gold Medal for Poetry (1995), among others. She has conducted many readings and has lectured widely in Canada and the United States, as well as England, the former Yugoslavia, France and Chile. She has been heavily involved in the writers profession, and has served on various juries and judging panels. Crozier currently resides outside of Victoria, in Saanichton, British Columbia, with her husband, poet Patrick Lane.

Cullimore, D. Roy, 1936-

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Dennis Roy Cullimore, who was born on April 7, 1936, attended St. Andrews Church of England Primary School and Southfield Grammar School in Oxford, England. At the University of Nottingham he earned a B.Sc.(Hons.) in agricultural microbiology in 1959 and a Ph.D. in 1962. In that year he joined the University of Surrey as an Assistant Lecturer in Microbiology and remained there until 1968 when he emigrated to Canada and took up a post as Assistant Professor of Microbiology at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1969 and to full professor in 1974, in which year he became Director of the Board of the Prairie Institute of Environmental Health. In 1975 Dr. Cullimore was appointed director of the Regina Water Research Unit. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles relating to water microbes and bacteria, and he has published a humorous book of captioned cartoons, 'A Survey of the Uses and Abuses of the Prairie Elevator' (Winnipeg: Frye Publishing, 1983). In recent years he has become well-known as a member of the research team studying the wreck of the sunken ship Titanic. He is also a principal in Droycon Bioconcepts Inc., a firm consulting on microbiol/environmental issues and biodetection systems. Dr. Cullimore and his wife have two children.

University of Regina. Dept. of Drama

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The Dept of Drama was established in 1966. Mandate: The Dept is responsible for the administration of educational programs in theatre, offering degrees in theatre performance, theatre crafts and design and theatre stage management. Administrative relationships: The Dept was administrated by the Division of Fine Arts until 1969 when the name changed to the College of Fine Arts. In 1990 the College became the Faculty of Fine Arts. Names of the corporate bodies: In July 1990 the Dept of Drama became the Dept of Theatre. Names of chief officers: Dept. head: Eric Salmon (1966-76) Dean of Arts: A. Berland (1968-69), Sir G. E. Vaughan (1969-74), R. R. Robinson (1974-75) Associate Dean of Fine Arts: R. Petrini Di Pistoja (1975-76), M.R. Scholar (1976-80), M.L.T. Bergbusch (1987-90)

University of Regina. Dept. of Visual Arts

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The School of Art was established at Regina College in 1912. Mandate: The Dept is responsible for administering educational programs in the visual arts such as painting, sculpture, ceramics and art history. Administrative relationships: The School of Art was administered by the School of Fine Arts from 1936 to 1969 when the name changed to the Division of Fine Arts. In 1977 the Division of Fine Arts became the College of Fine Arts and in 1990 became the Faculty of Fine Arts. Names of the corporate bodies: In 1969 the School of Art became the Department of Visual Arts. Names of chief officers: Director of the School of Art: Ken Lochhead (1950-64), Art McKay (1965-66), Doug Morton (1968-71). Dean of Arts: Sir G. Edgar Vaughan (1969-74), R.R. Robinson (1974-75). Associate Dean of Fine Arts: R. Petrini Di Pistoja (1975-76), M.R. Scholar (1976-80).

Deverell, Rex, 1941-

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Rex Deverell was born in Toronto on July 17, 1941, and was raised in Orillia, Ontario. In 1960 he moved to Hamilton to attend McMaster University and McMaster Divinity College, gaining his Bachelor of Arts in 1963 and a Bachelor of Divinity in 1966. He attended Union Theological Seminary in New York City during 1966-67 and was granted a Master of Sacred Theology degree before serving as pastor at the Edward St. Baptist Church in St. Thomas, Ontario from 1967-1970. He married Rita Shelton on May 24, 1967. They have one son, Shelton Ramsay Deverell, born in 1974. Since 1970, Rex Deverell has worked as a playwright in Toronto and Regina, serving as resident playwright at the Globe Theatre in Regina, 1975-1989. He is the author of fifty stage plays and collective creations as well as numerous radio plays, and television and film scripts. His plays have premiered in Banff, Regina, Ottawa, Vancouver, Toronto, Hamilton, and Chester, New Jersey, and many toured Saskatchewan with the Globe Theatre School Tour. Several of his plays have been published including two anthologies: 'Deverell at the Globe' (NeWest Press, 1989), and 'Plays of Belonging' (Playwrights Canada Press, 1997). Among several awards he has won, he received the 1978 Canadian Authors Award for the play 'Boiler Room Suite' and the 1986 Major Armstrong Award for 'The Riel Commission'. His radio plays, dramatizations, and commentaries have appeared locally and nationally on CBC Radio, and he has recently begun to write opera libretti. He was a founding member and president of the Playwrights Union of Canada, and has been associated with various provincial and national organizations including the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, the Guild of Canadian Playwrights, ACTRA, and the Saskatchewan Playwrights' Centre. Rex Deverell has lived in Toronto since 1989.

Givner, David

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David A. Givner, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Regina, received his academic education at the University of Maryland (B.A., M.A.) and at Columbia University (Ph.D.). In 1965 he took up a position of Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, rising to Associate Professor in 1970. He served as acting chair of the Philosophy Department during 1971-72. With a name change of the department, in 1973, he became Associate Professor of Philosophy and Classics, and was promoted to the rank of full Professor in 1985. From 1980-1982 he served as Head of the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Regina. He is retired and currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia, with his wife, writer and biographer Joan Givner, who was also a Professor at the University of Regina before her retirement.

Duffy, Joseph

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Joseph Duffy was an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina from 1977-1982, and a Lecturer from 1976-1977. Prior to joining the Faculty, he taught Secondary School in England from 1952-1957, and came to Saskatchewan to hold positions as Vice-Principal and Principal in rural schools from 1957 to 1965. He taught at Marion High School in Regina from 1966-1976, serving as Head of the English Department (1967-1969) and as Vice-Principal (1969-1976). Joseph Duffy's quest for knowledge found a natural outlet within the university community both as a faculty member and as a student. He received his Teacher's Certificate in 1952 from Manchester, England, and his B.A. (1966), B.A. Honours Certificate (1967), B.Ed. (1975) and M.A. (1979) from the University of Regina. He was enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Education at the University of Alberta from 1980-1982, until his death.

Fairbairn, Garry Lawrence, 1947-

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Garry Fairbairn's journalistic career began in 1969 with the Canadian Press Organization. His first two years were spent covering stories in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto, and for the two years following that he was stationed exclusively in Ottawa. From there he was sent to Regina from 1973-76. His work there caught enough attention that he was given an international assignment and spent two years in Washington. Not entirely happy with this post, he requested a transfer back to Canada (preferably Western Canada) and in 1978 he was assigned to the post in Calgary, which he held until 1981. Whether it was his original intention to become a business reporter/analyst or not, much if not most of his writing covered business or economic related issues. As his career progessed people noticed his talents and he frequently garnered accolades from his colleagues. Several times he won the best story of the month contest (an internal contest in the CP organization); and even when he did not win, his name frequently appeared in the "Honourable Mention" category. His stature in the local community of journalists gave him some influence and he was instrumental in the development and incorporation of the Saskatchewan Journalist's Association and in it's publications in the mid to late 1970's. Despite his successes as a journalist, however, by 1981 he was restless and feeling a need for a change. He entered the competition to write a history for the Ssaktchewan Wheat Pool commemorating its sixieth anniversary. His reputation and his proposals paid off and he was awarded the commission. In 1984 'From Prairie Roots: the Remarkable Story of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool' was published.

Gilhooly, David, 1943-

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Artist David Gilhooly was born in Auburn, California and received his B.A. (1965) and M.A. (1967) from the University of California. He studied with California ceramist Robert Arneson, for whom he later worked as studio assistant. Gilhooly taught art at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus from 1969 to 1971, during which time he influenced many Saskatchewan artists, most notably Joe Fafard and Vic Cicansky. David Gilhooly is an important figure in the Funk movement of the 1960s, and his clay sculptures exemplify the ideas of the movement in their carefree, playful manner. Gilhooly is best known for his frog pieces, and he has exhibited his sculptures all over North America as well as in Europe and Asia. David Gilhooly became a Canadian citizen in 1979 while residing in Calgary. He also lived in Toronto for six years, and he presently makes his home in Yamhill County, Oregon.

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