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Saskatchewan. Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development. Investment and Corporate Services Division, 2000-2002

  • GA 171
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 2000-2002

The Investment and Corporate Services Division of the Saskatchewan Department of Economic and Co-operative Development was established in September, 2000 as the result of a departmental reorganization. The Division is responsible for the administration and management of the majority of the Department's service areas. It was comprised of four branches: Investment Services; Economic Investments; Financial and Administrative Services; and Information Systems Services.

The Investment Services Branch was responsible for promoting the growth and development of Saskatchewan businesses. It provided services and programs that encouraged businesses to increase equity financing from the community, and expand their human resources. The Branch was responsible for the administration of: The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Program; business immigration programs, namely the Provincial Nominee Program and the Immigrant Investor Program; the Small Business Loans Association Program; and the Saskatchewan Business Ambassadors Program. On April 1, 2001, responsibility for business immigration programs was transferred to the Immigration Branch of the Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs which was established in September, 2000.

The Economic Investments Branch was responsible for administering programs aimed at building Saskatchewan's economy through innovation, research and development, and the adaptation of technologies. Programs administered by the Branch were the Strategic Investment Fund; the Innovation and Science Fund; the Canada-Saskatchewan Western Economic Partnership Agreement and the Youth Provincial Action Committee on the Economy.

The Financial and Administrative Services Branch was responsible for the provision of general operating, financial and legislative services to the Department and to the Office of Northern Affairs. The Information Systems Services Branch provided infrastructure and technical support to the Department in the areas of information technology and information management.

The Department of Economic and Co-operative Development and its subordinate agencies were disestablished on March 26, 2002 as a result of a governmental reorganization. The Department merged with the Department of Energy and Mines to form the Department of Industry and Resources.

Saskatchewan. Dept. of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs

  • GA 172
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1997-2002

The Saskatchewan Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs was established on June 27, 1997 by provisions of The Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Regulations. From 1997 to 2000, the Minister of the Department was also Provincial Secretary. Between 1998 and 2000, the Department had an Associate Minister. During the 2000-2001 fiscal year, separate Ministers were sworn in for Intergovernmental Affairs and for Aboriginal Affairs and Provincial Secretary; while in the 2001-2002 year, the separate portfolios were Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs, and Provincial Secretary. At its establishment, the Department was organized into three Divisions: Intergovernmental Affairs; Aboriginal Affairs; and Provincial Secretary, with two supporting Branches: Administration; and Communications.

The Intergovernmental Affairs Division was responsible for the promotion of Saskatchewan's interests through its relations with other governments in Canada and abroad. It was organized into five Branches: Constitutional Relations; International Relations; Trade Policy; Telecommunications and Broadcasting; and Federal-Provincial Relations. During the 2000-2001 fiscal year, the Division reorganized into two Branches: Trade Policy and International Relations; and Canadian Intergovernmental Relations and Immigration.

The Aboriginal Affairs Division was responsible for relations with the province's First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal peoples. It promoted and facilitated partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups and negotiated with the federal government on matters pertaining to Indigenous peoples. The Division was organized into two branches: Aboriginal Policy and Operations; and Indian Lands and Resources.

The Provincial Secretary Division was responsible for the provision of services related to protocol, honours, ceremonial events, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, and the Office of French Language Co-ordination. At its establishment, it was organized into three Branches: Protocol Office; Office of the Lieutenant Governor; and Office of French Language Co-ordination. During the 1998-1999 fiscal year, branches were added for an Anniversaries Secretariat in preparation for the Province's Centennial in 2005, and for the administration of Government House. In the 2001-2002 fiscal year, the Office of French Language Co-ordination became an independent unit within the Department.

The Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs was disestablished on March 31, 2002. The Department of Government Relations and Aboriginal Affairs was established and assumed responsibilities of the former Department, and portions of the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Saskatchewan. Dept. of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs. Intergovernmental Affairs Division

  • GA 173
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1997-2002

The Intergovernmental Affairs Division of the Saskatchewan Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs was established on June 27, 1997. It was responsible for the promotion of Saskatchewan's interests through its relations with other governments in Canada and abroad. At its establishment, the Division was comprised of five Branches: Constitutional Relations; International Relations; Trade Policy; Telecommunications and Broadcasting; and Federal-Provincial Relations. The Constitutional Relations Branch was responsible for policy analysis of the Government's position with respect to constitutional and jurisdictional issues within Canada. The International Relations Branch was responsible for the management of formal inter-governmental arrangements between Saskatchewan and foreign governments and organizations. It also managed the delivery of the Government's international development assistance program. The Trade Policy Branch was responsible for coordinating and articulating the Government's policies pertaining to trade and market access, trade forums; and the Government's participation in trade disputes affecting its interests. The Telecommunications and Broadcasting Branch was responsible for monitoring federal regulations pertaining to telecommunications and broadcasting in the province, and for the development of related policies. The Federal-Provincial Relations Branch was responsible for advancing the Government's objectives and interests through its relations with other provincial and territorial governments and with the federal government. During the 2000-2001 fiscal year, the Division reorganized into two Branches: Trade Policy and International Relations (comprised of the former Trade Policy and International Relations Branches); and Canadian Intergovernmental Relations and Immigration (comprised of the former Federal-Provincial Relations, Constitutional Relations Branches, along with responsibilities for immigration business programs transferred from the Department of Economic and Co-operative Development).

The Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs and its subordinate agencies were disestablished on March 31, 2002 as a result of a governmental reorganization. The Department merged with portions of the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing to form the Department of Government Relations and Aboriginal Affairs.

Saskatchewan. Dept. of Agriculture

  • GA 38
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1905-1989

The Department of Agriculture was one of the original departments created upon the formation of the Executive Council of the North-West Territories in 1897. The department was headed by a Commissioner and a Deputy Commissioner. With the transfer to a provincial government in 1905, the department (still under a Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner) was organized into: the Fairs and Institutes Branch; Weeds and Seeds Branch; Dairying; Bacteriologist; Public Health Officer; and Brand Recorder. A Bureau of Information and Statistics was also added.

The Department of Agriculture's original responsibilities included dealing with brands, stray animals, pounds, stock and hide inspection, control of predatory animals, noxious weeds, prairie fires and protection of game, as well as encouraging development and providing assistance to farmers. The department also compiled production statistics and meteorological data. In addition, under the 1906 Department of Agriculture Act, the department was responsible for matters relating to immigration, vital statistics and public health, including hospitals.

The titles of Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner were superseded by Minister and Deputy Minister respectively, in 1909.

Other functions held by the Department of Agriculture in its early years included: a Bureau of Labour to look after the inspection of factories, ensure fair wages and work safety, and coordinate harvest help; responsibility for museums; and responsibility for debt assistance.

During its existence, the Department of Agriculture experienced numerous re-organizations and continual name changes to its branches and divisions. However, with a few important additions and deletions of responsibilities, most of the department's functions continued throughout its life span.

In 1910, the public health and hospitals function was transferred out of the Department of Agriculture. Also in 1910, members from the Department of Agriculture were appointed to the newly-organized Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan. The function of the Fairs and Institute Branch was transferred to the university level, under the supervision of the Department of (Agricultural) Extension. The Director of Agricultural Extension, appointed to the College of Agriculture, reported to the Deputy Minister on the work of agricultural societies.

A major function was added to the department with the creation of the Co-operative Organization Branch in 1913. The branch, developed out of the Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Associations, was established to assist farmers with marketing. It was renamed Co-operation and Markets Branch in 1920 and eventually formed as a separate Department of Co-operation and Co-operative Development in 1945.

The Vital Statistics function was transferred out of the department in 1914. However, added that year was the appointment of Agricultural Representatives. These Representatives provided advice and assistance to producers in various districts within the province. Initially, the Representatives acted as administrative support for the College of Agriculture, but later carried out their own programming. The Agricultural Representative Service became a branch in 1945 and was renamed Agricultural Extension Branch in 1969 to better reflect its function.

Another change to the department in 1914 was the inclusion of a Debtors Relief organization. This function was complemented in 1923 by the addition of the Debt Adjustment Bureau. This function of debt management was removed in 1935. The responsibility for museums was added in 1915, but was transferred to the Department of Railways, Labour and Industries in early 1928.

Early in its existence, the Department of Agriculture included a Bureau of Labour to look after the inspection of factories, ensure fair wages and work safety, and coordinate harvest help. This function continued until 1920 when the Bureau, then named the Bureau of Labour and Industries, no longer reported through the department.

By 1930, the department consisted of: the Debt Adjustment Bureau; Statistics Branch; Field Crop Branch; Dairy Branch; Livestock Branch; Bee Division (added in 1928 and later known as Apiary Branch); Co-operation and Markets Branch; and the Agricultural Representative Service.

As a result of drought and soil drifting in the early 1930s, the Land Utilization Branch was established in 1936 to carry out the work of the Land Utilization Board (1936-1964). The Board was responsible for establishing community pastures, irrigable land areas under the federal Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act (PFRA), and for relocation of settlers.

By 1940, the duties of the Department of Agriculture were solely related to agriculture. The department was responsible for: the administration of all acts relating to agriculture; the promotion of agricultural interests in the province; encouraging production and facilitating the marketing of field and garden crops, livestock and livestock products; promoting and encouraging co-operation among agriculturalists; instituting inquiries and collecting facts and statistics relating to agriculture or other interests of Saskatchewan; and, issuing agricultural information through reports, statistics, circulars or other publications.

The Lands Utilization Board was transferred to the Department of Natural Resources and Industrial Development in 1945, but this responsibility came back to the Department of Agriculture in 1947. At this time, the Lands Utilization division was placed under the Lands Branch which was responsible for the administration of Crown lands in the province. Lands Branch had also been transferred from Natural Resources to Agriculture in legislation assented to on March 5, 1947. In 1964, the Land Utilization Board was replaced by the Agricultural Development Advisory Board.

The Conservation and Development Branch was established in 1949 to encourage and assist with better land use practices. The branch consisted of three main divisions: Operations; Water Development; and Water Rights.

A reorganization of the Department of Agriculture into five main branches was completed in 1951: Animal Industry; Agricultural Representative Service; Conservation and Development; Lands; and Plant Industry. The divisions of Statistics, Information and Radio, Records and General Office reported directly to the Deputy Minister and were sometimes referred to as the Administration Branch.

In 1958, the Agricultural Machinery Administration was added to the department to do the work of the Agricultural Machinery Board, established that same year. Its functions included investigation of complaints, testing machinery and publishing reports on farm machinery and test results.

The Family Farm Improvement Branch was created in 1960 to assist with the installation of farm water and sewage systems, and to assist with the relocation of farmsteads through grants.

The year 1973 witnessed another major restructuring of the department. The various branches, boards and agencies were organized under four major divisions: Extension and Rural Development Division; Farm Resources Development Division; Production and Marketing Division; and a Planning and Research Secretariat. This structure remained in place until 1980, when only the Extension and Rural Development Division and a Marketing and Economics Division were maintained.

Beginning in the late 1970's, the number of boards, commissions and agencies reporting through the department increased. The following are the agencies listed on the Department of Agriculture's organizational charts in annual reports for the period 1977 to 1989:
Saskatchewan FarmStart Corporation (1973-1984)
Saskatchewan Farm Ownership Board (1974-1992)
Saskatchewan Land Bank Commission (1972-1981?)
Agricultural Implements Board (1973-1984?)
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Board (1960-1984)
Milk Control Board (1977?- )
Saskatchewan Hog Marketing Commission (1977?-1982?)
Saskatchewan Sheep and Wool Marketing Commission (1973- )
Agricultural Development Corporation (1974-1990)
Lands Appeal Board (1978?-1979)
Saskatchewan Lands Allocation Appeal Board (1979?- )
Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (1978?- )
Natural Products Marketing Council (1979?- )
Saskatchewan Vegetable Marketing Commission (1981?- )
Agricultural Credit Corporation (1984-1993)
Saskatchewan Beef Stabilization Board (1982-1990)
Saskatchewan Horse Racing Commission (1983-1994)
Saskatchewan Pork Producers' Marketing Board (1983?- )
Farm Land Security Board (1984? - 1987 Transferred to the Dept. of Justice).

Beginning in 1978, the Department of Agriculture began using the name Saskatchewan Agriculture, although both forms of the name appear in the department's annual reports in this period. Lands Branch was transferred to Saskatchewan Rural Development effective August 1, 1988.

In 1989, the Department of Agriculture was renamed the Department of Agriculture and Food to reflect the addition of new functions relating to diversification and value-added opportunities in the agri-foods industry. From March 2002 to May 2004, the department was known as the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization, after which it reverted to the Department of Agriculture and Food. As part of a government-wide rebranding strategy, the department was renamed the Ministry of Agriculture on November 21, 2007 [The Government Organization Act (S.S. 2007 c.6)]. It continues (2011) to be known as the Ministry of Agriculture.

Aldous, David

  • IHM003
  • Pessoa
  • 1950- present?

Dave Aldous was an historian from Saskatoon who had published a book entitled "Barns in Saskatchewan" in 1995-1996. His attempts to save the Bell Barn began in 1997.

Foster, J. Roe

  • IHM007
  • Pessoa

Roe Foster joined the staff of the Indian Head Experimental Farm as Research Officer in 1937 and then joined the RCAF in 1942. After the war, he was made Administrator of the Regina Sub-station until 1953, when he was promoted to the Director of the Indian Head Experimental Farm (1953-1972). (See Indian Head History Book p386-387)

Indian Head Research Farm

  • IHM008
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1887-present

It was selected in October, 1887, as one of the Canadian government’s four regional experimental farms which reported to the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa - the others being at Nappan, Nova Scotia; Brandon, Manitoba; and Agassiz, BC.

Loran, Dan

  • IHM009
  • Pessoa

Smulan, Orban

  • IHM013
  • Pessoa
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