Mostrando 14964 resultados


Glenn Lynn Circle

  • IMH001
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1928-1983

Glenn Lynn Circle was organized by Mrs. Isabella Worden in May, 1928, in the area of the Glenn Lynn School District #333 and consisted of farm wives who, for 55 years (until 1983) raised funds for Indian Head churches through various events (teas, bazaars, etc). It discontinued in 1983.

Creative Professional Photographers

  • LH-001
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1966 - 1982

Creative Professional Photographers was a Saskatoon photographic business that existed for more than three decades, from 1966 to 1998. It was created in 1966 when Leonard Hillyard sold his photographic business, Len Hillyard Photography, to Don Steeves, who renamed it Creative Professional Photographers. When Don Steeves died in a car accident on June 10th 1988, his wife Eleanor Jean Steeves took over ownership of the business. Their son Bruce Steeves was manager of daytime operations till his mother sold the business in 1998, and just before his death later the same year, on September 24th 1998. He died in an industrial accident while moving heavy machinery that was being sold off. This happened tragically just after he decided to get out of lab and press work in order to concentrate on photographic work in his own studio.

Imhoff, Berthold

  • LRA1
  • Persona
  • January 14, 1868 - December 14, 1939

Born in Germany in 1868, Imhoff immigrated to the United States with his family and settled in Reading, Pennsylvania, where he established a successful art and fresco business. He left Reading in 1914 and made his home and studio in the St. Walburg, Saskatchewan area. From there he decorated churches in many rural villages of Saskatchewan and North Dakota as well as returning to Reading for commissioned work.
In 1891, he married Matilde Johner, the daughter of Joseph Johner. Imhoff, Matilde, and six of his seven children moved to what is now St. Walburg, Saskatchewan in 1914. Once in Saskatchewan, Imhoff started painting many of the small churches which dot the prairie landscape near his home, often for free or for very little pay. In 1926, Imhoff completed what some people consider his masterpiece: the cathedral in Reading, Pennsylvania. Many of the 226 life-sized paintings were started in his studio in Saskatchewan and then transported to Reading where they were then completed by him and his family. In 1937 he was awarded a Knighthood in the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great by Pope Pius XI. He died in 1939 and is buried in the St. Walburg Roman Catholic Cemetery next to his wife Matilda. A life size equestrian statue honouring Imhoff by St. Walburg artist Susan Velder is located in the village. The Imhoff Gallery which includes his studio, home and farm is now a heritage site.

Burt, Alfred Leroy

  • MG 474
  • Persona
  • 1888-1971

A.L. Burt was born in Listowel, Ontario on November 28, 1888 and graduated from
the University of Toronto. He studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. In 1930, after some years
as Head of the Department of history at the University of Alberta, he became professor of
History at the University of Minnesota. He retired in 1957 as an emeritus and served as a
visiting professor at Carleton University, the University of Chicago, and the University of
Manitoba. He was president of the Canadian Historical Association and has published many
books. He passed away in 1971.

King, Cecil

  • MG548
  • Persona
  • ca. 1945-2022

Cecil King is an Odawa from Wikwemikong, and a residential school survivor. He obtained his BEd (1973), and his MEd (1975) through the INEP program. He received a PhD in 1983 from the University of Calgary through the Department of Policy and Administrative studies. He has spent fifty years in education as a teacher, professor, researcher, and consultant. He was one of the founders of the Indian Teacher Education Program, and served as it’s first director. He was Head of the Indian and Northern Education Program at the University of Saskatchewan, as well as Dean of the Saskatchewan Campus of the First Nations University of Canada. For many years King also served as the first Director of the Aboriginal Teacher Education Program at Queen’s University, and is a Professor Emeritus of that school.

Dr. King has been advisor and consultant to various governments, Aboriginal organizations, provincial departments of Education and heritage and universities. He has been a board member on several advisory boards, task forces and committees which have included serving as Chairperson of the Educational Symposium of the World Assembly of First Nations Conference held in Regina, the Indian and Metis Curriculum Advisory Committee, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People’s Research Ethics Committee and Elders Research Team, and the Ontario Ministry of Education VIP Panel redesigning secondary education.

A lover of the Ojibwe language, King has taught Ojibwe at the University of Saskatchewan, Stanford University and the University of Alberta. He has also developed significant Ojibwe Language Programs for schools across Canada and the United States, and has created an Ojibwe dictionary. Cecil King has also been involved in the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre, the Gabriel Dumont Institute, and many other centres of indigenous learning and study. Awards include Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee Medal, the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal, and the 2009 National Aboriginal Achievement Award for Education.

Throughout his career, Dr. King worked with First Nations across Canada in developing programs and policies aimed at Indian Control of Indian Education. His areas of expertise are Aboriginal Education; Aboriginal History; Ojibwe Language; Aboriginal Teacher Methodology; Policy and Administration of Aboriginal programs; Research Techniques with Aboriginal Peoples; Aboriginal Language Methodology.

Murray, Jean E., 1901-1981

  • PA 186
  • Persona
  • 1901-1981

Jean Elizabeth Murray was born on April 29, 1901 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the second of three daughters of Walter Charles and Christina (Cameron) Murray. In September 1909, Murray, her sisters, and her mother moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to join her father who had been made president of the University of Saskatchewan a year earlier. She completed her primary and secondary education at King Edward and Victoria schools and Nutana Collegiate and then went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts (1922) and a Master of Arts (1923) from the University of Saskatchewan. She subsequently received a second MA from the University of Toronto (1924) and a PhD from the University of Chicago (1936). After working as an instructor at the University of Alberta between 1928 and 1930 and at Regina College from 1930 to 1931, Murray joined the University of Saskatchewan as an instructor in history in 1931. She became an assistant professor in 1937 and a full professor in 1966. Upon her retirement in 1968, the University of Saskatchewan awarded Murray the rank of Professor Emeritus of History. Murray died in 1981.

Doidge, Jean, 1903-2002

  • PA 228
  • Persona
  • 1903-2002

Jean Peddie was born on August 29, 1903 in Russell, Manitoba to Mr. and Mrs. John Peddie. After completing teacher training at the normal school in Yorkton, Saskatchewan in 1922, she taught briefly in rural Saskatchewan before moving to Brandon, Manitoba to attend normal school there. Upon completion of her training in 1925, she taught at Alexandra School in Brandon and Brittannia School in Winnipeg. Jean Peddie married Gerald Doidge on July 28, 1926. They had a son, Bill, born around 1931.

In the 1930s, Jean Doidge worked as a reporter for the Port Arthur News Chronicle in Port Arthur, Ontario. In 1942, she became editor of the Daily Graphic in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, the only woman editor of a daily newspaper in Canada at the time. Doidge left Portage la Prairie on January 2, 1947 to accept a position with the Saskatchewan Department of Natural Resources in Regina. She worked as an information writer until October 1948, shen she was transferred to Prince Albert, where she continued to work as an information writer and was the presenter of Northern News, a radio programme on CKBI Radio. Her daily broadcasts at 5:45 pm earned her the title of "Voice of the North".

Doidge married her second husband, Charles Swenson, in 1960 and retired from the department later that year. She then moved to Edmonton, Alberta, where she worked as a reporter for the Edmonton Journal before moving to Vancouver, British Columbia to work for the Ministry of Forests. Jean Swenson died on November 20, 2002 and was buried in Portage la Prairie.

Cruikshank, Elizabeth Roley, 1895-1989

  • PA 246
  • Persona
  • 1895-1989

Elizabeth Roley Cruikshank (nee Kierstead) was born on August 25, 1895 in King's County, New Brunswick. After attending Fredericton Normal School, she worked as a teacher until she moved to Regina, Saskatchewan in 1916. Active in civic and provincial affairs, Cruikshank served as president of the Regina Local Council of Women (1936-1938) and as president of the Saskatchewan Provincial Council of Women (1940-1942). She was involved with the Regina Welfare Bureau's Community Clothing Depot and served as chairman of the Provincial Women's Committee of the National War Finance Committee during World War II, coordinating the provincial War Savings Stamps campaign. She was also a member of the Saskatchewan Reconstruction Council and the Southern Saskatchewan Dependents' Advisory Committee.

An avid naturalist and ornithologist, Cruikshank was an executive member of the Saskatchewan Natural History Society and was employed at the Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History as an information officer. In 1956, she began writing a weekly nature column for the "Leader-Post" (Regina) under the pen name Liz Roley. "A Second Look: Liz Roley's Nature Notes", a collection of her columns, was published in 1976. Cruikshank also wrote scripts for the Saskatchewan Department of Education nature broadcasts on CBC Radio. A charter member of the Regina Branch of the Canadian Women's Press Club, Cruikshank also wrote articles on the history of Regina for the "Leader-Post".

Cruikshank died in Regina on May 31, 1989.

Cruikshank was made a Member in the Order of the British Empire in 1948. She received the Centennial Medal for Women in Journalism in 1967 and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Regina in 1980.

Elizabeth Cruikshank and her husband, Warburton Kerr Cruikshank, had two children: Molly and Pat.

Richards, Neil, 1949 -2018

  • PA 277
  • Persona
  • 1949-2018

William Neil Richards was born on May 11, 1949, in Bowmanville, Ontario. He received his primary and secondary education in Bowmanville. Richards earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at Carleton University in Ottawa and attended the Library Science program at the University of Toronto.

In 1971, Richards moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where he was employed as a library assistant at the University of Saskatchewan Library from 1971 until his retirement in 2002. In 1982, Richards took a leave of absence from his position at the University of Saskatchewan to work as a volunteer with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives in Toronto.

From the 1970s until his death, Richards was active in local, provincial and national gay organizations, including the Canadian Gay Archives; the Gay Interest Group of the Canadian Library Association; the Zodiac Friendship Centre; the Gay Community Centre of Saskatoon; the Gay and Lesbian Support Services in Saskatoon; Metamorphosis, and the Saskatchewan Gay Coalition.

Richards worked on many early AIDS awareness initiatives in Saskatchewan. In 1990 he founded and organized Visual AIDS, a month long series of exhibitions, lectures, plays and public events. As well, he has staged three large exhibitions about AIDS at the University of Saskatchewan Library, and was the co-ordinator for Saskatchewan's Day Without Art project in 1992.

In 1975, Richards joined others to form the Committee to Defend Doug Wilson, enlisting the support of the University of Saskatchewan's Employees' Union (CUPE Local 1975). This initiative led to a resolution of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour asking the provincial government to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Richards helped organize the 1976 convention of the National Gay Rights Coalition in Saskatoon, one of the first gay rights gatherings in Canada. In 1982, he co-authored a library selection guide to lesbian and gay fiction, Out on the Shelves. Richard's book, Celebrating a History of Diversity: Lesbian and Gay Life in Saskatchewan 1971-2005: A Selected Annotated Chronology, was published in 2005. In retirement, Richards volunteered at the University of Saskatchewan Archives & Special Collections, where he continued his passion of collecting materials related to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Richards received numerous awards for his work in the areas of gay rights and AIDS education: The Dr. Stanley Stead Award by the Saskatoon District Health for the Visual AIDS project (1991); the first GALA (Gay and Lesbian Achievement) Award (1993); the University of Saskatchewan's President's Service Award (1995); the Doug Wilson Award (1998) and the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal (2005). The Neil Richards Collection of Sexual and Gender Diversity at the University of Saskatchewan Archives & Special Collections was named in recognition of Richards' contributions to preserving the history of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in Saskatchewan.

Richards died in Saskatoon on January 12, 2018.

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