Gooch, Wilfred James

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Gooch, Wilfred James

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Identificadores para instituciones

Área de descripción

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Wilfred James Gooch was born on March 13, 1919, and married in Norwich, Norfolk, England. He enlisted in the Royal Air Force on May 21, 1937. He was in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, from November 1941 to 1944 at the Service Flight Training School (STFS No. 39). Around the base, Sgt. Gooch was a jack of all trades and did a number of tasks, including packing parachutes. After his time in Swift Current, Sgt. Gooch moved back to the UK, then to Egypt, and then back to Norfolk, UK. He became a reservist after the Second World War. Sgt. Gooch worked throughout his life in forestry and went on the Fields Studies Council in June 1951. He died in 2003 in England.


Estatuto jurídico

Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

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Estructura/genealogía interna

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Created August 12, 2021, by Kelly Turner.




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