A Tuberculosis Survey of Manitoba Indians [Indigenous Peoples]
- JDC - 001
- Item
- 1939
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Article: A Tuberculosis Survey of Manitoba Indians [Indigenous Peoples]
By: E.L. Ross and A.L. Paine
Canadian Medical Association
A Tuberculosis Survey of Manitoba Indians [Indigenous Peoples]
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Article: A Tuberculosis Survey of Manitoba Indians [Indigenous Peoples]
By: E.L. Ross and A.L. Paine
Canadian Medical Association
Appendix A an Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Appendix A, an Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine discusses work done by Dr. H.M Kinghorn on the BCG vaccine in it's experimental stage.
Appendix D Vaccination of Indian [Indigenous] Children with B.C.G. in Saskatchewan
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Captioned "A Progressive Report of a Research carried out through the co-operation of the National Research Council, The Department of Indian Affairs, and The Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League under the direction of The Committee on Tuberculosis
of The National Research Council.
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Captioned "The purpose of the research undertaken at Fort Qu’Appelle is to determine the various factors of importance in the epidemic of tuberculosis among the Indians [Indigenous Peoples] of the Western Plains; to determine the nature of the germ
causing this epidemic, whether bovine or human, or both; also to ascertain what practical preventive measures could be instituted which would reduce the frequency of the disease and the mortality from the same; furthermore, if advisable, to institute prophylactic vaccination against tuberculosis"
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Captioned "It would now seem opportune to summarize the progress of this research to date as well as to report on the work we are now engaged in, so that you may view with perspective both present and future undertakings"
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
This Appendix provides more information on environmental and infrastructure concerns effecting the communities featured in Dr. Ferguson's work.
British Medical Association Meeting Minutes, 1930, Part 1
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Part 1 of the minutes from the 1930 meeting of the British Medical Association in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
British Medical Association
British Medical Association Meeting Minutes, 1930, Part 2
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Part 2 of the minutes from the 1930 meeting of the British Medical Association in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
British Medical Association
Budget Memo, Grants Authorized for 1937-38 Fiscal Year
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
List of grants authorized by the Associate Committee on Tuberculosis, November 25, 1937. $2000 went to Dr. Ferguson in Saskatchewan.
National Research Council (NRC)
Epidemiology, Diseases, Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Among Indians [Indigenous Peoples]
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Timeline with various entries related to Indigenous Peoples and tuberculosis including information on tuberculosis infections in Saskatchewan Residential Schools between 1932-1947.
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Timeline with various entries related to Indigenous Peoples and tuberculosis ranging from new hospital beds being opened to tuberculosis tests performed on cattle at Residential Schools.
Hader Thesis Archival Research Notes
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Captioned "Hader Thesis?" this document contains a list of sources connected to the Department of Indian Affairs and tuberculosis in Saskatchewan
Health and Disease at Norway House
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
A Department of Indian Affairs briefing discussing tuberculosis and economics among the Indigenous communities near Norway House.
History of the [Ninette] Sanatorium
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Historical overview of the Ninette Sanatorium from 1906-1933.
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Incomplete Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Directors of the Associate Committee on Tuberculosis Research, 1933
National Research Council (NRC)