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William Van Allen fonds

  • SCM-RG-0081
  • Fonds
  • 1910 - 1933

The fonds, related to the William Van Allen, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

Seven boxes of personal and financial documents:

Series 1: Personal papers, July 1919 – August 1920
Series 2: Personal papers; receipts and financial correspondence, ca.1922 – ca.1925
Series 3: Personal papers, correspondence, receipts, newspaper clippings, January 1, 1924 – ca. 1930
Series 4: Personal papers, receipts, correspondence, documents, ca.1914 – ca.1921, fl. 1919-21
Series 5: Personal papers, miscellaneous, ca. 1930
Series 6: Personal papers, correspondence, re: Liberal Party of Canada, ca.1910 – ca.1923
Series 7: Personal papers, correspondence, re: Farmers National Party, Maple Creek, June 1919 – July 1921

Series 8:
Discrete Volume 1: Portfolio For Attestations or Conduct Sheets
Folder Labeled 1916:
-primarily correspondence related to the development of William Van Allen's military career after returning from France
-letter to Minster of Militia and Defence, from William Van Allen, re: raising a battalion in the Swift Current region
-correspondence, re: William Van Allen's return to Canada in 1916, from Canadian Expeditionary Force
-correspondence, re: Mechanical Transport, as William Van Allen was Officer i/c Mechanical Transport
-correspondence, re: Horse Transport
-remittance from Smyth & Begg Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc.
-letter from Liberal Party
-documents, re: Convention Committee, Cypress Constituency
-correspondence, re: Forestry Battalions
-correspondence, re: William Van Allen enlisting Cavalrymen for the Canadian Cavalry Brigades in France
-clipped packet titled: "Information Regarding The Personnel of the 100th Squadron Canadian Remount Depot"., pages of names and next of kin information
-Nominal Roll of Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and men of the Canadian Squadron No. 3, Base Remount Depot, Dieppe
-Wine Card for Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Ocean Services
-correspondence, re: straw for sale
-several letters of introduction for William Van Allen, re: getting reinforcements for the Forestry Battalion
Summary: the letters in this folder chart William Van Allen's return from France in 1916, and his work recruiting Cavalry in the southwest Saskatchewan region.

Folder Labeled 1917:
-postcard with a photo of Camp Hughes (Manitoba), “my tent” and an arrow is drawn on the front, the back reads “Mademoiselle Vivian Van Allen” and “Ma Petite Canadien”
-Militia Orders from Ottawa, July 16, 1917
-Militia Orders from Ottawa, June 26, 1917
-correspondence, re: Transfer to 230th Forestry Battalion
-correspondence, re: William Van Allen organizing and raising a battalion
-correspondence, re: Forestry Battalion Draft and 230th Battalion, men who would join the former but not the latter, was a source of tension
-resignation letter from William Van Allen from the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF)
-correspondence, re: reinforcing company commanded by William Van Allen
-correspondence, re: claims for traveling expenses
-Canadian Pacific Telegram, to William Van Allen, re: Liberal candidates
-Militia Orders from Ottawa, June 12, 1917
-Militia Orders from Ottawa, June 1, 1917
-2 photographs of William Van Allen, 1917
-correspondence, re: movement of the Forestry Draft overseas
-newspaper clipping, re: Forestry Reinforcements winning the Major Hughes Cup
-cheque from the Bank of France
-correspondence, re: leave of absence
Summary: most of this correspondence is about William Van Allen's work recruiting a Forestry Battalion to be sent over seas, the tension caused when members of this Battalion do not want to be members of the 230th Forestry Battalion (unsure why), and his resignation from the CEF.

Folder Labeled 1918:
-chart listing the assets and liabilities of William Van Allen, 1921-23
-Bill of Sale for “good and chattels” from William Sydney Van Allen (father) to William Van Allen
-correspondence, re: stores of 'B' Squadron
-miscellaneous letters addressed to William Van Allen, from The Canadian Liberal Monthly, Legislative Assembly, ?? signature of Wilfred Laurier ??, Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture, mostly vis-à-vis the Liberal party
-article from the Military Gazette, February 12, 1918, entitled "The Mental Crucifixion of Officers: The Government Should Act"
-certificate entitling William Van Allen to wear a War Service Badge, letter regarding it
-certificate certifying that William Van Allen resides in Shaunavon, and was registered for National Purposes June 22, 1918

Folder Labeled 1921-22:
-correspondence, re: bar-V-bar brand
-correspondence, re: Mons Star medal
-correspondence, re: organization of the militia in the Shaunavon region
-correspondence, re: a new Commission of the Peace, and Oaths of Allegiance
-William Van Allen’s resignation as secretary-treasurer of the Rural Municipality of White Valley
-correspondence, re: House of Commons candidate Neil McTaggart
-correspondence, re: Grain Growers Association

Folder Labeled 1923:
-documents, re: 14th CLH (7th Mounted Brigade), names of officers
-newspaper clipping, re: standing of Wheat Pool in each Constituency
-invitation to 'C' Squadron Banquet
-two letters recommending William Van Allen to positions if they become available

Folder Labeled 1930:
-newspaper clippings, re: 14CLH issues and events in Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
-other clippings, re: horse breeding, and 14CLH in general
-photograph from 1930, the unidentified individuals
-invitation for dinner and military ball
-obituary for William Van Allen’s mother, Rosa
-photograph of 6 men, William Van Allen is second from the right
-correspondence, re: a new Commission of the Peace, and Oaths of Allegiance
-poster for Hunter and Saddle Horse Meetings, William Van Allen is a speaker
-poster for Notice of Grant for a Poll, for Maple Creek Electoral Riding
-correspondence, re: C.A.F. Long Service medal
-Saskatchewan Liberal Association membership card
-correspondence from Cavalry Camp at Dundurn, Saskatchewan
-photograph, 14th CLH at Burdick Camp, 1929
-2 photographs taken at a military camp, men wearing CLH hat badges
-photograph of two rows of men in civilian dress, CLH officers
-photograph of men in military uniforms at a formal banquet, 1931
-program and ticket for Canadian Cavalry Association Annual Dinner in Montreal, 1931
-photograph of a line of men on horseback in civilian dress
-2 photographs of cars parked next to tents
-photograph of a house, tents pitched next to it
-photograph of a ranch
-documents, re: Militia Staff Course for William Van Allen, evaluation
-invitation to supper at Provincial Exhibition, Regina, Saskatchewan
-Saskatchewan Liberal Association membership card
-ribbon from Provincial Liberal Convention in 1931
-newspaper clipping, re: Officers of Association Opposing Compulsory Pool, 1931
-picture of William Lyon MacKenzie King
-letter from a Liberal MP in Eastend, Saskatchewan
-other miscellaneous correspondence to/from William Van Allen

Folder Labeled 1925:
-letter from the Federal Appeal Board, re: William Van Allen’s claim against the Department of National Defense
-obituary for William Van Allen's father
-correspondence, re: reorganization of reserve regiment, 14CLH
-correspondence, re: William Van Allen’s promotion to commander of 'C' Squadron
-correspondence, re: a new Commission of the Peace, and Oaths of Allegiance, 1927

Folder Labeled 1928:
-newspaper clippings entitled (excerpt)-'Service Men and Military Titles' and 'The Misfortune of Sectional Misunderstandings'
-sample of the letterhead used by the Farmers National Party between 1919 and 1928
-invitation to 'B' Squadron’s Annual Concert and Smoker
-invitation to 'A' Squadron’s Ball and Supper
-attestation card for Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada, for William Van Allen’s son, born 1914

Folder Labeled 1929:
-photograph, men in military uniform sitting for the photo, William Van Allen is in the third row, third from the left, photo by W.J. Oliver (perhaps of the militia staff course)
-correspondence re: regimental funds for 'C' Squadron
-program/menu for a dinner at the Militia Staff Course, 1929
-correspondence, re: Militia Staff Course, William Van Allen passing

Folder Labeled 1931:
-correspondence, re: badges
-correspondence between William Van Allen and Major E.A. Devitt
-brief historical sketch of the 4th Hussars of Canada
-song lyrics from annual dinner at Officer’s Mess
-Militia Orders from Ottawa, September 23, 1931
-newspaper clipping, re: career of William Van Allen, mentions that he was appointed second in command of the 14CLH in 1929, and fully in command in 1930

Folder Labeled 1932:
-newspaper clipping from Shaunavon Standard, September 8, 1932
-postcard of “The Keep, or General View of Sandgate Castle”, built 1539-40, in England

Folder Labeled 1933:
-newspaper clipping from Regina Leader Post, 'Ask Grant For Horse Breeding Be Continued'
-photograph of William Van Allen and an unidentified man in front of a tent, printed in Regina, 1932

Folder Labeled 1915 (or “1912 –“):
-nominal roll of men who wish to transfer from 6th Fort Garry Horse to the Canadian Remount Depot
-correspondence between CEF and Canadian Remount Depot
-photo of three men on horses, (L to R) William Van Allen, Lieut. Col. Henrix, and Quarter Master Dyer
-correspondence, re: withdrawing Canadian Remount personnel from Dieppe (2 copies)
-clipped packed titled 'Information Regarding the Personnel of the 100th Squadron Canadian Remount Depot', list of names and next of kin
-document titled 'Canadian Expeditionary Force/2nd Divisional Remount Depot/Nominal Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men'
-3 Christmas cards from 14CLH
-document titled Annual Drill Pay-List of B Squadron 27th L.H. at Sewell Camp, MB
-correspondence, re: examination of overseas contingent
-travel documents, receipts and telegrams (related to overseas contingent?)
-invitation to Annual 4th Hussars of Canada Dinner
-correspondence, re: transfers of clothing and equipment in 'B' Squadron to Lieut. T. Francis
-correspondence, re: transfers of clothing and equipment in 'B' Squadron from WVA to Lieut. T.W. Hutcheson
-correspondence, re: cleaning of rifles
-correspondence, re: Austrian reservists drifting out of the country
-documents, re: classification of remounts
-correspondence, re: financial deficiencies for 'B' Squadron
-receipts for Empress Hotel, Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: shortages in supplies
-correspondence, re: lost horse
-Nominal Roll of 'B' Squadron, 27 Light Horse
-correspondence, re: 27LH volunteers
-receipt from Hotel Kennedy
-correspondence, re: 1911 census
-2 receipts from Laughlin & Eckert, Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
-daily orders, August 19, 1914
-letter from Moose Jaw law firm, 1910
-correspondence, re: Liberals of Gull Lake, Liberal Party
-correspondence, re: application for promotion to rank of Major, denied
-photograph of Remount Depot, 1st Canadian Expeditionary Force
-photo of William Van Allen, as a Captain, on a postcard
-paybook for use on active service
-photograph of William Van Allen and an unidentified man, on a postcard, sign in photo reads “Capt. Van Allen/Adjutant/Canadian Remount Depot”
-2 postcards of France, sent to Canada in 1915
-newspaper clipping, re: William Van Allen promoted to Major in Remount Dept.
-correspondence, re: Hautot Base Remount Depot, 1915
-correspondence, re: return of Canadian Remounts from France, as well as horses
-correspondence, re: Colt revolvers, woolen gloves
-correspondence, re: subsistence allowance claims for Officers
-document titled 'Orders By Lieut. Col. Wm. Hendrie, Commandant, Hautot Base Remount Depot', 1915

Series 9:
Discrete Volume 2: untitled
Clipped packet, untitled
-documents, re: cash prize for best Calvary horse, 1931

Clipped packet titled: Cav. Assns. 1930-31
-correspondence between Canadian Cavalry Association and 14th CLH, 1930
-program for the general meeting of the Canadian Cavalry Association, October1930
-documents pertaining to a competition to support “the raising of a good type of cavalry horse in Canada”, several Canadian Calvary regiments involved
-individual members of the Canadian Calvary Association, 1930-31
-report of Honourary Secretary from the Canadian Calvary Association, 1930-31
-correspondence between William Van Allen and The United States Calvary Association, 1930, re: journal subscription
-letter from CCA congratulating William Van Allen on his promotion to O.C. of the 14th CLH
-letter, re: Saskatchewan Cavalry Assoc. trophy
-letter, re: funding for Militia training during the depression
-correspondence between William Van Allen and Major E. A. Devitt, honourary secretary of the CCA
-financial statement – Officer’s Mess – Fourth Hussars of Canada – 1st July 1930 to 1st August 1931
-correspondence, re: Merritt Cup competition
-pamphlet on CCA prize competitions, 1931
-scores from Merritt Cup competition
-pamphlet, re: CCA resolutions (rules), 1931

Clipped packet, untitled
-letter, re: annual training, 1931-32, cash prizes for Cavalry
-Dominion Department of Agriculture Remount Competition
-correspondence between William Van Allen and Mayor of Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, re: accommodations for tactical exercise at Gull Lake
-other correspondence, re: tactical exercise at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan
-Merritt Challenge Cup results for 14 CLH, 1931
-documents, re: Sports Day at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, 1931
-Regimental Orders for 14th CLH, from William Van Allen
-bill of lading for supplies, 1931
-correspondence, re: staff ride for 14CLH officers
-correspondence, re: funding for 1931 Militia training
-correspondence, re: exercise at William Van Allen’s home, May 1931

Clipped packet titled: Royal School 1927-31
-correspondence, re: Royal School of Cavalry (RSC), Camp Hughes, MB
-documents, re: training at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, 1928
-applications to attend RSC
-correspondence, re: formation of a provisional School of Cavalry at Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
-letter, re: Dr. I. B. Noble (veterinarian) attending a course at RCS
-correspondence, re: attendance, and candidates for attendance, at the RCS

-documents, re: Royal Schools of Instruction (syllabus, info re: clothing, books, etc.)

Clipped packet titled: Cadets 27-28
-letter, re: affiliation between cadets of Swift Current, Maple Creek, and Shaunavon, Saskatchewan with 14CLH

Clipped packet, untitled
-letter, re: rifle safety procedures
-letter, re: recent exercise in Regina, 1931
-miscellaneous letters from William Van Allen, many regarding a staff training course, a tactical exercise at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan September 1931, training in general.

Clipped packet titled: A.G. 1930-31
-correspondence, re: Dundurn Camp, 1930
-correspondence, re: promotions
-correspondence, re: store shortages (theft?)
-correspondence, re: visitors from Regina headquarters to Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: Long Service medal
-correspondence, re: safety precautions
-correspondence, re: attestation cards

Loose leaf document, re: Annual Training, 1931-32, 14 CLH

Clipped packet titled: C – 1926
-Annual Drill Pay-List of 14th CLH C. Squadron at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan
-expense claim form
-other financial information from 'C' Squadron

Clipped packet titled: C – 1927
-correspondence, re: finding a new squadron commander for 'C' squad, discussion of William Van Allen as a replacement for Capt. Trangsrud who cannot continue as squadron leader, owing to ill health.
-references to Squadron 'C'’s 1926 financial statement
-documents, re: transference of Squadron leader from Trangsrud to Van Allen (financial info, transfer of stores, etc.)
-document, re: 14CLH boxing bout

Clipped packet titled: C – 1928 – 29- 30
-documents with receipts and expenses
-correspondence, re: financial statement
-correspondence, re: Regimental funds, 1929
-handwritten letter to William Van Allen, re: application to Royal School

Clipped packet titled: C – 1931
-correspondence, re: Small Arms School
-correspondence, re: safety precautions
-correspondence, re: attestation cards
-correspondence, re: Trooper G. Begg attending a camp
-correspondence, re: Corp. D.W.L. Greenlay, and failed examinations
-other miscellaneous correspondence from 1931, 'C' Squadron

Clipped packet titled: B 1927
-correspondence, re: injured trooper William MacKay and compensation
-correspondence, re: Strength Return for Half Year Ending June 30, 1927
-Cash Debit / 'C' Vouchers
-correspondence, re: Squadron 'B' of the 14CLH
-correspondence, re: command of the 'B' Squadron, pertaining specifically to Capt. H.B. Sills and Capt. Sharpe
-correspondence, re: transfers of stores
-correspondence, re: Officers who require waivers
-correspondence ,re: Annual Inspection and Classification of Signallers
-documents, re: Royal School of Cavalry
-letter, re: 25 pairs of breeches, Squadron 'B' Clothing
-correspondence, re: Horse Board
-correspondence, re: Provisional school at Swift Current, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: annual inspection of arms, clothing and equipment
-correspondence, re: Squadron 'B' regimental funds

Clipped packet titled: B 1928
-correspondence, re: repairs to Sports Cup, and receipt from Park Hardware, Swift Current, SK
-correspondence, re: Long Service Medals
-correspondence, re: A/Cpl R.R. Scott, medical information
-correspondence, re: Royal School of Cavalry at Calgary, AB
-financial information re: 'B' Squadron
-correspondence, re: Cpl Harry Wilson, medical information, reimbursed for $5.40
-correspondence, re: supplies (saddles, guns and ammunition)
-correspondence, re: service rolls
-correspondence, re: Long Service Medal
-correspondence, re: Military Ball
-correspondence, re: dress regulations
-correspondence, re: rental of Armoury
-correspondence, re: Regimental Badge

Clipped packet titled: B 1929
-correspondence, re: Regimental Ball
-correspondence, re: discharge of Sgt. Shorting
-correspondence, re: Efficiency Cup
-correspondence, re: Annual Training, 1929
-correspondence, re: visit from Lt. Col. Greenlay to Swift Current, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: regimental ties
-correspondence, re: visit from the Governor General
-correspondence, re: camp at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, 1929
-correspondence, re: Pilot Officer H.R. Carefoot
-other miscellaneous correspondence

Clipped packet titled: B 1930
-documents, re: discharge of A/Sgt. H.R. Carefoot

Clipped packet titled: B 1931
-correspondence, re: treatment of correspondence
-financial information from the Regiment
-correspondence, re: provisional appointment of Captain J.H. Sills as head of the 'B' Squadron
-correspondence, re: Small Arms School at Scarcee
-correspondence, re: promotion of NCOs
-correspondence, re: attestation cards
-correspondence, re: safety precautions
-correspondence, re: oaths of allegiance
-correspondence, re: Regimental Sports Cup competition at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: Gen. Tuxford as honourary Lt. Col.
-correspondence, re: promotion of Acing Sergeant E.F. Lindstrom
-correspondence, re: attendance at Royal School of Cavalry

Clipped packet titled: A – 1927
-Capt. M.J. Graham is captain of the 'A' Squadron
-correspondence, re: inspection of clothing and equipment
-correspondence, re: Capt. M.J. Graham’s transfer to reserve regiment
-correspondence, re: provisional school in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: successor to Capt. M.J. Graham as commander of 'A' Squadron, recommendation for Lieut. W.E. Jefferson
-correspondence, re: transference of command of 'A' Squadron from Capt. M.J. Graham to Lieut. W.E. Jefferson

Clipped packet titled: A – 1928
-correspondence, re: transference of command of 'A' Squadron from Capt. M.J. Graham to Lieut. W.E. Jefferson, including transference of stores, training manuals and administrative books, finances
-correspondence between Jefferson and Greenlay, regarding 'A' Squadron
-correspondence, re: Canadian Pattern Saddles
-correspondence, re: caretaker of the Maple Creek Armoury
-correspondence, re: Service Rolls
-correspondence, re: Lieut. Beesley as acting officer in charge of the Maple Creek Armoury, in Jefferson’s stead

Clipped packet titled: A – 1929
-correspondence, re: Lieut. Beesley as acting officer in charge of the Maple Creek Armoury, in Jefferson’s stead
-correspondence, re: financial statements, finances, of 'A' Squadron, 1928-29
-correspondence, re: camp at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: medical certificate
-correspondence, re: trouble with Lieut. Beesley
-miscellaneous correspondence regarding 'A' Squadron, and Jefferson
-correspondence, re: dance at Swift Current and Maple Creek, Saskatchewan
-correspondence, re: retirement of unqualified officers

Clipped packet titled: A – 1931
-correspondence, re: transfer of Lieut. Beesley to the 2nd Reserve Regiments
-correspondence, re: attestation cards
-correspondence, between Jefferson and William Van Allen, re: operations of the Squadrons
-correspondence, re: candidates for the Royal School of Cavalry

Series 10:
Discrete Volume 3: Scrapbook
-clippings, re: William Van Allen, life, career and death
-photograph of Officers of the 14 CLH, with names
-photograph of William Van Allen
-document titled “Inward Movement Of Troops To Dundurn Camp”
-letters, re: William Van Allen’s troop’s journey from BC to Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
-newspaper clippings about William Van Allen; 16/22 Saskatchewan Horse Regiment; Saskatchewan Horse Regiment in Niagara-on-the Lake. 1941
-photograph of William Van Allen in military dress, unit marching, tents in a camp (all likely taken at Niagara camp)
-composite photographs of Officers of the 16/22 SHR, with names
-clippings, re: transference of SHR from Weyburn to Vancouver
-photograph of William Van Allen, Miss Mary Forbes-Reid, and Major J.D. Smith
-photograph of William Van Allen and a woman, perhaps his wife (Vivian?)
-clippings, re: Mrs. T. O. Turner, president of women’s auxiliary
-pamphlets from events while 16/22SH were in Sherbrooke, Quebec
-clippings, re: 16/22SH in Sherbrooke, Quebec
-clippings, re: 16/22SH in Vancouver, Nanaimo
-photograph of William Van Allen and 3 other officers playing cards
-photograph of William Van Allen and a woman on the steps of “The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa” building
-article titled “And They Played The Van Allen March” (bagpipe song named after him)
-clippings, re: 16/22SH involvement in World War II
-clippings, re: 16/22SH in Ottawa
-clipping titled “Saskatchewan’s Horseless Horse ‘Travellingest’ Unit in Canada”
-clippings, re: 16/22SH’s traveling to different stations in Canada
-photographs of a regiment with bagpipes
-clippings, re: William Van Allen’s retirement
-certificate from Climax Board of Trade, Climax Saskatchewan
-nominal roll titled “Record of Men and Women Who Served In War – 1939-1945 from Shaunavon District”
-nominal roll titled “20 Army Tank Regt. (16/22 Sask Horses) Disbursement”
-certificate for the 50th Anniversary for the 14CH, April 1, 1910 to April 1, 1960

Colleen Irwin fonds

  • SCM-RG-0032
  • Fonds
  • 1920 - 1962

The fonds, related to George Spence, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Volume 1 Appointments: green appointment book belonging to Ivy Spence, appointments for tea and luncheons, some inserts including one that reads "Susan's [Irwin] first work of art sent to Nanna Jan 28 1950 (3 yrs old)".

-Volume 2: booklet entitled Session 1943 House of Commons/Special Committee on Reconstruction and Re-establishment/Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, at which George Spence was a witness, 1943

-Volume 3: booklet entitled "Address on Reclamation and Conservation on the Prairies" to the Geographical Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, by The Honourable George Spence, Commissioner, International Joint Commission, 1954

-Volume 4: green scrapbook, including an envelope with newspaper clipping and correspondence of George and Ivy Spence; scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, re: George and Ivy Spence and their family, George Spence's career, Ivy Spence's social activities; place cards from dinner parties, brochure on the International Peace Gardens, photograph of a large group of men and one woman outside a building in Regina, probably the Saskatchewan Legislature

-Envelope 1, "International Joint Commission": "My Creed", 1931; copies of a newspaper article about George Spence, 1958

-Envelope 2, "Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario": an envelope containing cards, invitations, notes and correspondence for George and Ivy Spence, ca. 1947 - 1949; brochure on the Empire State Building Observatory, 1949; brochure for Lee Mansion Memorial in Virginia

-Envelope 3, "Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office": envelope addressed to Ivy Spence containing a certificate, re: a medal to be worn by Ivy Spence for the 1937 Coronation (medal not accompanying document), a letter sent to George Spence from his daughter Irene when she is at the University of Saskatchewan (mentions a date with Noble Irwin and war work, enlistment, etc.), a poem called "To A Sparrow" dedicated to the Spence's eldest daughter Irene by William Barnard; two copies of the program for the University of Saskatchewan's convocation ceremony, May 1948; program for commencement at Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital School of Nursing, 1945 (Irene Spence won medal for Highest Efficiency in Obstetrics); envelope containing an invitation to the commencement exercises for the Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital School of Nursing, 1945, and two invitations to the University of Saskatchewan's Convocation Ball, 1948; program for the Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Saskatchewan Branch Banquet and Dance at Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina celebrating the 1937 coronation of George VI; hand-drawn diagram of seating arrangements (?); program for the University of Saskatchewan's convocation ceremony, May 1945; invitation to an afternoon reception for graduates of the University of Saskatchewan, 1948; newspaper clipping, re: graduates of Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital School of Nursing, 1945

-Envelope 3, "Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office": invitations for George and Ivy Spence for tea, luncheon, supper; tourist brochures for Colonial Williamsburg, Fort George (Niagara-On-the-Lake), Niagara's Parks, The Old Mill (Toronto), the Thomas Jefferson Inn, Chesapeake Bay Ferries, Monticello (Virginia), Canadian Pacific Scenic Domes; programs for "Showplace" at Radio City Music Hall, ca, 1950s; Capital Airlines schedule, 1955; brochure for Niagara Falls Preservation Program; booklet, "On the Death of King George the Sixth", CBC, 1952; programs, banquet honoring CPR Construction Engineers, at Orkney, SK, 1925; birthday cards given to Mrs. George (Ivy) Spence; Clan map of Scotland from the Washington Post, 1954; newspaper clipping about the wedding of Enid Dixon and Jack Hammill; communion program from St. Paul's Memorial Church, Virginia, 1957; train schedule, Chicago-Milwaukee and St. Paul Pacific; booklet, Birthday Edition Journal; booklet, Local Council of Women of Regina, 1926

-Envelope 4, "Mr. Geo. Spence, M.P. Orkney, Sask.": envelope containing cards, invitations, programs, etc. for Mr. and Mrs. Spence, ca. 1920s, re: parliamentary affairs (Spence was an MP); other invitations, programs, correspondence, etc. received by George Spence in his position as MP for Maple Creek, ca. 1920s; booklet, 'The Interdependence of British Trade and British Immigration', a summary of two speeches made by George Spence, Minister of Public Works, 1936; an envelope of photographs (2 - 19, see below for list); correspondence; re: Order of the British Empire, received by George Spence, 1946; instructions for attending a "Drawing Room" the the Governor-General, February 19 1927; handout, House of Commons Debates: Official Report Speech of Mr. George Spence, member for Maple Creek on the Budget; postcard from Italy, to George Spence, from R.B.W.

-Envelope 5, "Queen's Visit to Canada June 26th, 1959 - Montreal, St. Lawrence Seaway": newspapers, The National Star, June 2,5 1959; The Montreal Gazette, June 26, 1959; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959, p. 19; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959, p. 17-32; The Montreal Gazette, June 26, 1959; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959; The Montreal Gazette, June 26, 1959

-Envelope 6, "Dominion Department of Agriculture Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office": invitation to an International Joint Commission event, 1952; wedding announcement for Irene Spence and Captain Noble Irwin, July 7 1945; certificate, re: a medal to be worn by George Spence for the 1937 Coronation (medal not accompanying document)

-Envelope 7, article written for Regina Leader-Post Jan. 1960. By Geo. Spence on the Columbia River, B.C.: editorial page from the Leader-Post, January 15 and 16, 1960

-Envelope 8, "International Joint Commission": newspaper clippings, obituaries for Marie Reid (Huffman), Sarah Wilson Kerr (Sharman); weddings of Marie Huffman and J.A. Reid, Rea Spence and Oliver Pederson; Spence's career with PFRA and IJC; birth announcement for Janice Marie Call (Stanley and Annabelle), other birth announcements

-Envelope 9, "Western Producer/On George Spence" by Grant McEwan Jan. 1958: newspaper, Western Producer, June 16, 1948 (pp.15-16 and 25-26, 2 copies); Leader-Post, April 7, 1962 (1-2, 7-8)

-Envelope 10, "Stories Written By Cowhand Author George Spence and Lord Tweedsmuir's Visit to Val Marie": newspaper clippings, re: George Spence's career, 1952, 1956, articles by George Spence under the alias Cowhand, 1944, 1945, 1951, 1956, visit of Governor General Tweedsmuir to Val Marie, 1949; booklet, "Water for the Prairies", by George Spence, published by the Canadian Geographical Journal, June 1952

-Envelope 11: "clippings/ L.B. Thompson funeral/the Naughton wedding - Ottawa": newspaper clippings, re: wedding of Helen Claxton to Lt. Col. Edward Leslie in Ottawa Citizen, 1957; death of Mayme Evans (n.d.), Leonard (L.B.) Thompson, 1956

-Envelope 12: newspaper clippings, re: South Saskatchewan River Dam, Diefenbaker, George Spence's career, 1958

-Envelope 13, "Paper clippings about Geo. Spence and Clippings by Geo. Spence": newspaper clippings: editorials by George Spence, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1959; articles about George Spence's career, 1938 - 1948, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1959, articles about George Spence (not career related), receiving Order of the British Empire, honourary law degree, 1948; wedding announcement for Eleanor Hedstrom and Ovar Uggen; visit of the Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice to Swift Current, 1941; irrigation on the prairies, 1943, 1946; wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 1947; ticket to the University of Saskatchewan's Convocation, 1948; articles by George Spence, 1942; retirement of O. Freer from PFRA, n.d.

-Envelope #14: two photographs of George Spence (#20 and #21); invitation for George and Ivy Spence to go to Monticello with Anne and Roger McWhorter; other notes, cards, correspondence for George and Ivy Spence, ca. 1940s; newspaper clippings, re: Hetty Green, PFRA; invitations for George Spence from Lt. Gov. of Saskatchewan to attend the opening of the Legislative Assembly, receptions, other invitations, ca. 1940s; tourist brochures, re: Garrison Dam on the Missouri, Morden, SK; itinerary and map for a tour of the proposed route through the Souris River Basin, 1955; seating arrangements for a luncheon of the executive of the Regina Women's Liberal Club, 1935; cards commemorating deaths of Mary Rogers, 1924, and Eunice McKeen, 1943; invitations for Ivy Spence to visit other women's homes; invitation to attend the opening of parliament, and a skating party, 1926; George Spence's House of Commons traveling passes, CPR railway passes, 1925 - 1927, 1936; diagram of House of Commons seating; invitation to Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, 1927; letter re: Elbow dam, 1947; booklet, "Prevent Duck Depredations", by Floyd H. Davis

-Envelope #15, "Lethbridge Photograph - speaking at ? Jubilee": photo (#22 to #29, see below); letter to Ivy Spence from her brother Charlie, 1943; postcard from George to Ivy, while he was in New York, 1950 (never sent); McLean's Magazine article about George Spence, 1957; article on Remedial Works program at Niagara Falls, 1957; photo #30

-Envelope #16, "Staff Members at tea in Blue Lounge - Dec. 20 - 47": blank lined book, "Government of Canada No. 50", names of guests are written on the pages, between the pages are place cards and invitations, loose pieces of paper also containing lists of names


  1. large group of men and one woman, taken outside the Saskatchewan Legislature in Regina
  2. two women standing on the side of a truck, Louie (last name unknown) and Irene Spence (Irwin)
  3. the front yard of a house, surrounded by trees, presumably "The Bend" in Nanaimo, BC
  4. young child in a yard by a baby carriage unidentified, perhaps Irene Spence (later Irwin)
  5. "The Bend" in Nanaimo, BC
  6. front gardens of a house, "The Bend" in Nanaimo, BC
  7. Irene Spence (later Irwin) and Ethel Spence, in 1938
  8. Irene Spence (later Irwin) and another young woman, ca. 1935
  9. Florence Gardiner's wedding, July 1, 1946, at Lemberg, SK farm home
  10. Florence Gardiner's wedding, July 1, 1946, at Lemberg, SK farm home
  11. two men digging on the prairie, one might be George Spence
  12. Noble Irwin petting a dog, ca. 1940s
  13. Irene Irwin (nee Spence) sitting on a porch, ca. 1940s
  14. wedding party, at Vi Jean's, August 1944, (the photo has been cut so not all of the information is available)
  15. two children on a wooden sidewalk, Kae and Harold Brown
  16. an unidentified young woman by a car
  17. Irene Spence (later Irwin)
  18. Irene Spence (later Irwin), Ivy Spence and Ethel Spence, May 25, 1939
  19. George and Ivy Spence, ca. 1920s
  20. George Spence, ca. 1950s
  21. George Spence, ca. 1950s
  22. George Spence speaking to Lethbridge Board of Trade, 1947
  23. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas May
  24. Arlie and Edna Spence, daughters of Jack Spence
  25. young woman, unidentified as daughter of Jack Spence (see #27)
  26. man and a woman (Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence?)
  27. six young women, the daughters of Jack Spence, Edith, Beryl, Alice, Rea, Arlie and Edna
  28. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence and their six daughter (see #27)
  29. George Spence and three unidentified individuals, taken in Victoria BC
  30. group photo taken St. Lawrence Power Project in Cornwall, ON, 1957, presented to George Spence by the International Joint Commission "built in 1935"

Sans titre

J.E. Murray fonds

  • MG 61
  • Fonds
  • 1843-1980, predominant 1908-1967

This fonds contains the personal correspondence, office, and research files of the Murray family, including W.C. Murray (President, University of Saskatchewan), his wife Christina, and his daughters, Christina, Dr. Lucy H. Murray (Professor of English, Regina College), and Dr. Jean E. Murray.

Sans titre

Frank Hoffman fonds

  • PR 01
  • Fonds
  • 1920–1945

The fonds primarily consists of papers by and relating to Rev. Hoffman and his and others work among Hungarian immigrants.

Contents include: correspondence and reports about missions in Alberta and Northern Saskatchewan; a list of Hungarian immigrants to Canada (some photos included); Az Otthon 1922-1925 (in Hungarian); and related materials, newspaper clippings, and documents concerning mission work and fieldwork Hoffman and others undertook in Saskatchewan. Among the materials is a biographical sketch of the Rev. Emerick Csendes [Czendes], written by Rev. Hoffman, and a copy of “Tales of Hoffman” by R.W. Hardy.

Sans titre

H.D. "Howdy" McPhail Photograph Collection

  • MG 402
  • Collection
  • 1949-1973 (inclusive) ; 1955-1960 (predominant)

This collection includes Howdy McPhail’s aerial photographs, predominantly of individual farms and views of towns and cities. Some images are of specific landmarks, scenic views, or fauna. All images are identified and a majority are dated. A second accrual contains examples of printed calendars and postcards that were sold by McPhail, as well as some correspondence and other business documentation. Images used in an exhibition curated by Helen Marzolf were added in 2018. Further accruals of correspondence, order forms, negatives and prints were interfiled in Series B.

Sans titre