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Ross Family Autograph Album

  • MG 598
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 187-?] – 1981 (inclusive); [187-?]-1915 (predominant).

This album contains over 360 autographs from prominent individuals of the time, including six Prime Ministers (all those who served between 1878-1911); eight Governors-General; 25 cabinet ministers; and over 100 members of parliament, predominantly those who served in the first 10 parliaments [first sitting date to dissolution] between 1867 and 1905. Other individuals of achievement and/or fame in various fields are also represented: scientists; public officials from other countries; diplomats; religious leaders; those in the performing arts. Uniquely, the album also contains several signatures from members of the Royal Family: extremely rare in an album of this kind.

Ross, Arthur Wellington

Newfoundland Fishery Arbitration

  • MG 522
  • Fonds
  • 1672-1955

This collection contains the carbon copies of the papers pertaining to the Newfoundland Fishery Arbitration. The Arbitration was brought before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, under the provisions of the general treaty of arbitration of April 4, 1908, and the special agreement of January 27, 1909, between the United States of America and Great Britain.

Newfoundland Fishery Arbitration

John G. Diefenbaker fonds

  • JGD/MG01
  • Fonds
  • 1815-1979, predominant 1925-1979

Fonds includes personal correspondence and papers, as well as background and reference material assembled by John Diefenbaker
and his staff. There is also large collection of press clippings, supplemented by press clippings gathered by the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.

Diefenbaker, John George, 1895-1979

John C. Courtney fonds

  • MG 67
  • Fonds
  • 1818-2022 (inclusive) ; 1947-2014 (predominant)

This fonds contains records pertaining to Dr. Courtney’s academic career, including instructional material; assessments and other referential material; research and publication activities, particularly in the areas of Canadian government and politics, political leadership, parties, electoral systems, constituency boundaries, etc.; addresses and conference presentations; associations and organizations; and other miscellaneous file and resource material. There is also material related to family and personal interests.

Courtney, John Childs

George Johnson fonds

  • MG 475
  • Fonds
  • 1837-1911

Documents relating to government in Canada in the late 1800's early 1900's.

Johnson, George

Ida Janet Munro (Clarke) Thompson fonds

  • MG 484
  • Fonds
  • 1882-1953 (inclusive) ; 1905-1953 (predominant)

Correspondence, accounts books, and other textual material.

Thompson, Ida Janet Munro (Clarke)

Fabian Society Tracts Collection

  • MG 347
  • Fonds
  • nd, 1889-1935 (inclusive); 1889-1925 (predominant).

This collection contains 147 pamphlets, including some revised editions, organized by tract number; together with some annual reports.

Fabian Society

Jason Schoonover fonds

  • MG 583
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1895-1977 (inclusive) ; 1975 (predominant)

This fonds contains materials pertaining to the writing, planning and production of Diefenbaker’s 80th Birthday Party in 1975. Specifically, it includes handwritten and typed notes, correspondence, photographs, slides, film and audio reels, and some clippings. The film includes footage gathered and created for the event (including new interviews with John and Olive Diefenbaker) as well as the finished product as presented during the birthday gala.

Schoonover, Jason

Don Kerr fonds

  • MG 169
  • Fonds
  • 1898-2017 (inclusive), 1965-2017 (predominant)

This fonds reflects Kerr's vocational and avocational interests. His academic activities include not only his own writing in a variety of genres but also his editing, assessment and review of the contributions of others to prose, poetry, drama and film. His service to the community external to the University is primarily evident in the political, arts and heritage fields.

Kerr, Donald Cameron

McConnell Family fonds

  • MG 568
  • Fonds
  • [1903]-2015

: This fonds contains the personal records of an extended family, including photographs, correspondence, and diaries. It documents their interests, careers, and family life predominantly two generations – the Ratcliffes and McConnells. The first accrual documents the interests, careers and family of John and Doreen McConnell and their daughter, Mary Ann. It includes materials related to McConnell’s work in communications, his work for the Canadian and Saskatchewan governments, together with materials relating to his interest in the environment and social and international development issues. It also includes materials relating to his wife, Doreen, who predeceased him. The second accrual adds the records of Doreen’s parents, the Ratcliffes, which includes documents related to their personal life and interests, Elma’s travel, James’ World War I service, and family life.

McConnell, John James

Shirley Spafford fonds

  • MG 352
  • Fonds
  • 1905-2005

This fonds includes materials relating to the history, faculty and students of the department of economics and political studies; Spafford's work with the Symphony, heritage organizations in Saskatoon, etc; as well as materials relating to her father, Ah King, and her mother, Katie Malinowski (nee Dobrowney).

Spafford, Shirley Maryanne (nee King), 1937- .

V.C. Fowke fonds

  • MG 13
  • Fonds
  • 1907-1964 (inclusive) ; 1936-1960 (predominant)

This fonds contains correspondence, articles, speeches, radio broadcasts, notes, briefs, minutes, reports, and memoranda pertaining to the personal, academic and public interests and activities of V.C. Fowke. Topics include monetary policy, finance, taxation, banking, agricultural economy and policy, transportation and freight rates.

Fowke, Vernon Clifford, 1907-1966 (Professor of Economics)

John Evans fonds

  • MG 465
  • Fonds
  • 1916-1940 (inclusive) ; 1923-1940 (predominant)

This fonds contains the correspondence, reports, articles, addresses, speeches, minutes, clippings and publications pertaining to the various activities John Evans was engaged in between 1919 and 1940. The material has been arranged alphabetically according to certain topics or subject matter. However, in sorting such material, often an item would make reference to more than one issue. In this case material was grouped under the main, or predominant subject. No cross referencing has been made. Subjects are further subdivided into correspondence, articles, addresses, reports, etc.

Evans, John, 1867-1958

W. Hugh Arscott fonds

  • MG 344
  • Fonds
  • 1916-2001 (inclusive) ; 1961-1979 (predominant)

This fonds contains materials relating to Arscott's work; his involvement with the Progressive Conservative Party and later disillusionment with the mainstream parties and his activities with the Rhinoceros Party; his extended family; his war service;and reminiscences of growing up in Saskatoon, attending the University, and local and political figures. Particularly extensive is his writing: creative; satire; and memoirs.

Arscott, William Hughes, 1924-2002 (alumnus, financial planner, political commentator)

Results 1 to 15 of 45