Four men in suits on a wooden sidewalk
- GR4.023
- Item
- 1915
L-R: Unidentified, Bert Coldwell, Linus Kunkel, Wally McDougald. All are wearing suits and ties and waistcoats with hats or caps. The photo is dated Mar. 21, 1915.
Kunkel Collection
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Four men in suits on a wooden sidewalk
L-R: Unidentified, Bert Coldwell, Linus Kunkel, Wally McDougald. All are wearing suits and ties and waistcoats with hats or caps. The photo is dated Mar. 21, 1915.
Kunkel Collection
Man and two women in front of sod wall
Man is wearing a suit, tie, celluloid collar, cap. Women in long skirts, jackets, dark hats with wide brims. Could be the same woman in FA1.013. A sod wall can be seen in the background. One woman is holding a long barrelled rifle.
Kunkel Collection
Women and baby are dressed in early 20th-Century fashion and hair styles.
Kunkel Collection
Two men, two women. Clothing includes: Men - celluloid collar, bow tie, striped waist coat, watch fob. Women - fur muffs, toques with tassels, jewelled throat pin, coats with fur collars.
Kunkel Collection
Two women holding a walking plow
Two women in dresses and a man in white shirt with arm bands, tie, and hat in a garden. One woman is holding a walking plow, the other a branch (possibly to shoo away mosquitos?)
Kunkel Collection
Two women outdoors in early Rosetown
L-R: Unknown, Minn Legge. Women are wearing fashions of early century. Background shows Stewart School, rink is in front of the school.
Kunkel Collection
Women are wearing full-length dresses (skirts) with jackets and large hats in a dark colour. A pre-1915 car is in the distance.
Kunkel Collection
Two women wearing long dresses pointing .22 rifles
Both women are sighting through rifles. One woman is identified as "Mrs. K" on the back of the postcard. Possibly Gertie Kunkel?
Kunkel Collection
Two young women in early 20th-Century attire
Women wearing jewellery, blouses and skirts typical of the time, with severe hairstyles parted in the centre.
Kunkel Collection
Early century fashion. Male child is in "Plus Fours" dress, dress-like top, short pants tucked into socks. Other child (girl?) is wearing a white gown trimmed in lace. Woman's dress has lace collar and cuffs.
Kunkel Collection
Woman wearing a fur coat and large hat with a feather. She is holding a large fur muff.
Kunkel Collection
Depicts sports fashions of the 1920s and 30s.
Kunkel Collection
Woman standing on a step wearing a ruffled dress, wide brimmed hat, and holding a cloth purse. Woman's face is in the shadow.
Kunkel Collection
Silk and lace dress, ankle length; waved hair, standing on a lawn.
Kunkel Collection
Woman wearing 1920's fashion standing against Western Union building on a corner.
Kunkel Collection