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University of Saskatchewan, University Archives & Special Collections Entidade coletiva

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Women's and Gender Studies

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1992-

The Department of Women's and Gender Studies was established in 1992. It uses an interdisciplinary approach to such topics as the relationship between biology and gender construction, patterns of language use, identity formation, socialization, gender in literature, art and religion, and women's changing economic and political roles. The department's first head is D. Relke (1993- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Religious Studies.

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1984-

A proposal for the formation of a School of Theology was introduced and approved in principle in 1969. The proposed School would have offered a second, or post-BA, Bachelor's Degree in Theology, contributing to the requirements for ordination in some Christian denominations. This program would have involved the study of theology--specifically, Christian theology--rather than religious studies or world religions. By 1971, however, the proposal had failed to materialize. In December 1972 approval was granted to establish a School with close cooperation among the theological colleges already affiliated or federated with the University of Saskatchewan. The professoriate, which commenced its duties in September 1973, was drawn from the theological colleges and from various faculties from the College of Arts and Science. The School, using Arts and Science procedures, received approval from the College of Education to present a 5-class major and 4- and 3-class minors in Religious Studies in its Secondary Program and an area of concentration in Religious Studies in the College's Elementary Program. By September 1983, a proposal was under consideration to reorganize the School of Religious Studies into a department in the College of Arts and Science. This reorganization was approved and implemented by the 1984 winter session. R.W. Nostbakken served as Director of the School from 1973-1983. The following individuals have served as Head of the Department of Religious Studies: R.W. Nostbakken (1983-1985) [Acting]; Braj M. Sinha (1985- ).

University of Saskatchewan - College of Commerce√

  • SCN00282
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1915-

A School of Accounting was established in 1915 as part of the College of Arts and Science, with G.H. Ling, Professor of Mathematics and Dean of Arts and Science, as Head. Initially, only night classes were offered; in 1920, a complete 4-year course became available. The School was closely associated with the Institute of Chartered Accountants; a University Board of Examiners, chaired by Dean Ling, supervised the preparation and marking of examinations for the Institute. In 1936, the School was granted College status and formally separated from the College of Arts and Science. The College was renamed the College of Commerce in 1943 to reflect the expanded curriculum being offered to its students. The following individuals have served as Dean: G.H. Ling [School of Accounting] (1917-1936); J.A. Neilson [College of Accounting] (1936-1940); J.H. Thompson [College of Accounting] (1941-1943); J.H. Thompson (1943-1952); T.H. McLeod (1952-1961); Georgina Goodspeed [Acting] (1961-1962); T.H. McLeod (1962-1964); Georgina Goodspeed [Acting] (1964-1965); Lloyd Barber (1965-1969); Samuel Laimon (1969-1976); P.M. Maher (1976-1982); W.J. Brennan (1982-).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Law. Dean's Office

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1912-

Courses in Jurisprudence and Constitutional Government were offered at the University of Saskatchewan as early as 1910-11 as part of the Political Science programme. The following term witnessed an expansion in both the type and number of subjects presented for Honours students. The College, established in 1912, enrolled its first students in 1913-14 for classes offered downtown after working hours (to accommodate articling students) by members of the local legal fraternity. In 1922 responsibility for training and examining law students was transferred from Wetmore Hall in Regina to the College of Law in Saskatoon. The following individuals have served as Dean: A. Moxon (1920-1929); F.C. Cronkite (1929-1961); O.E. Lang (1961-1968); R.C. Carter (1968-1974); D.A. Schmeiser (1974-1975); R.C. Cuming (1975-1976); D.H. Clark (1976-1983); D. Ish (1983-1988); R.P. MacKinnon (1988-1998); K. Roach (1998- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Department of Psychiatry

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1952-

The Department of Psychiatry was created in 1952 as the School of Medical Sciences became the College of Medicine. Originally staffed by a single lecturer, the Department has grown into a teaching and research unit of considerable scope. In addition to teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students, the Department operates a number of clinical and research programs including: Adult Psychiatry; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; the McKerracher Centre; the Neuropsychiatric Research Unit; the Applied Research Program; Psychiatric Home Care; and the Youth Services Program. The following have served as head of the Department: D.G. McKerracher (1954-1970); F.E. Coburn (acting 1970); I.M. McDonald (1970-1983); D.L. Keegan (1983- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Physical Education/Kinesiology√

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1972-1998

Initially two directors conducted an athletic and physical education program for female and male students and staff. Classes were designed to prepare some students as physical education instructors for elementary and secondary schools. As early as 1940 all freshmen students were required to enroll in a one-year physical activities class. In 1950 a Department of Physical Education was established to carry on a service program for all students and to provide for physical education classes as electives in the Colleges of Arts and Science and Education. The Department became a School within Arts and Science in 1958, offering a 4-year course leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education. The graduate program and scientific research expanded in the 1960s and in 1972 the School achieved College status. In 1998 the College was renamed the College of Kinesiology. The following individuals have served as Dean or Director: Directors--E.W. "Joe" Griffith (1919-1952); Ethel Mary Cartwright (1931-1947); K. Gowie (1958-1959); W.A.R. Orban (1959-1966); H. Nixon (1966-1972). Deans--H. Nixon [Acting] (1972-1974); H. Nixon (1974-1977); J.D. Dewar (1977-1986); R.L. Mirwald (1986-1996); R.A. Faulkner (1996- ).

University of Saskatchewan - College of Nursing√

  • SCN00099
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1974-

Promoted by the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association, a School was established within the School of Medical Science in 1938. Initially the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree was a 5-year program consisting of 2.5 years at the University followed by 2.5 years training in one of four affiliated hospitals located in Regina and Saskatoon. In 1950 the program was altered to 2 years at the University, 2 years at a hospital. and a final year back at the University. Three years later a 1-year program for Registered Nursed leading to a Diploma either in Public Health or in Teaching and Supervision was established. With the opening of [Royal] University Hospital in 1954, the hospital experience component at affiliated hospitals was discontinued. That year a basis 3-year diploma program was established. In 1967 nursing teachers became members of the University faculty and students were admitted to a new 4-year curriculum. The 3-year diploma program was phased out in 1969 and the 5-year in 1971. The School became a College in 1974. The following individuals have served as Directors or Deans: [Directors:] K.W. Ellis (1938-1950); H.B. Keeler (1950-1969); L.D. Willis (1969-1974); [Deans:] H.J. Kernen (1974-1980); U. Ridley (1981-1990); Y. Brown (1990- ).

University of Saskatchewan - Native Law Centre√

  • SCN00232
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1975-present

The Native Law Centre was established in 1975 to support undergraduate and graduate study, teaching and research in areas of law directly or indirectly involving native persons. The Centre offers library services, a seminar series and acts as a community resource centre. Through publications such as the "Canadian Native Law Reporter" and the "Legal Information Service", it has become Canada's largest publisher in the native law field. The Program of Legal Studies for Native Peoples, an eight-week summer orientation course in legal studies for native people, is also administered by the Centre. The following have served as Director of the Centre: R.C. Carter (1975-1981); D.J. Purich (1981-1994); J.Y. Henderson (1994- ).

University of Saskatchewan. Extension Division. Director/Dean's Office

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1963-2007

In 1910 the Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture turned over to the University the responsibility for the development and delivery of agricultural and women's extension programs throughout the Province. To fulfill this mandate, the Department of Agricultural Extension (1910) and Women's Work (1913) were established within the College of Agriculture. Initially the activities of Agricultural Extension focussed on services to the Agricultural Societies--short courses, institutes (meetings and conferences), plowing matches, field crop contests, stock judging, etc. During the war years, a Better Farming Train toured the province providing lectures and demonstrations and presenting exhibits on matters pertaining to agriculture. In 1915 "educational holidays" or camps were initiated for farm boys and girls and in 1918 4-H clubs were formed throughout Saskatchewan. Farm and Home Week, a period of exhibits, lectures, and demonstrations at the University, was introduced in the early 1930s. Special projects and programmes for rural women were offered through Homemaker's Clubs established in 1911. In addition to basic domestic activities, women received advice and instruction in fruit growing, tree planting, home nursing, water supply and purity, libraries, health and welfare services, etc. Adult Education services, begun in 1938 in response to forces for social reconstruction, consisted in part of groups formed to discuss planning, economics, cooperatives, government institutions and policies, international affairs, trade unions, etc. This was a logical expansion of the variety of information (bulletins, leaflets), informal (lectures, demonstrations), public (testing, analyses), professional (training), and cultural (drama, music) services, as well as a variety of services to governments at all levels. In 1949 the work of Agricultural Extension and Women's Work were combined in the Department of Extension. It remained a department in the College of Agriculture until 1963 when administrative responsibility was transferred to the Office of the President and renamed the Extension Division. The name changed again in 1979 to Division of Extension and Community Relations. It was changed back to Extension Division in 1990. The following individuals have served as Director or Dean: [of Agricultural Extension, or the Division]: F.H. Auld (1910-1912); S.E. Greenway (1912-1919); J.G. Rayner (1919-1952); R.D. Ramsay (1952-1963); H.R. Baker (1963-1974); W.B. Whale (1974-1984); R.E. Brack (1984-1991); D.G. Thompson (1992-- ). [of Women's Work]: A. DeLury (1913-1930); B.G. Oxner (1930-1950); A. Stevens (1950-1953); M.H. Pattilo (1953- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of Psychology. Saskatchewan Self-Help Development Unit

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1984-1989

In 1984, the Saskatchewan Health Research Board awarded a two year grant to Dr. Richard Wollert, Department of Psychology, University of Saskatchewan, to study self-help groups whose major focus of activity was to provide members with support and assistance in coping with a shared life problem. The program continued with the support of the Psychology Department until 1989, when it was renamed the Saskatchewan Self-Help Network, and began to operate in partnership with the University's Extension Division.

University of Saskatchewan - Institute for Northern Studies

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1960-1982

The Institute of Northern Studies was established in January 1960 as a multi-disciplinary unit dedicated to research on the Canadian North and other circumpolar regions, with a special emphasis on northern Saskatchewan. The Institute was to act as a focal point of northern research at the University, to encourage northern research by obtaining scholarship funds and grants, and to coordinate interdisciplinary research. In addition the Institute provided lecture series which promoted understanding of the Canadian north; training programs which taught northern peoples new skills; cross-cultural courses for people working in the north; and a northern information service. In 1981 it was announced that the Institute would be phased out over the next three years. Directors: J.B. Mawdsley (1960-1965); W.O. Kupsch (1965-1973); R.M. Bone (acting) (1973-1974); R.M. Bone (1974-1982).

Anthropologists Among US

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 2006-2008

Anthropologists Among US was a student-led campaign organized by the Anthropologists Student Association. During the 2000s, Anthropology classes at the University of Saskatchewan were shifted between departments. Originally paired with Archaeology, Anthropology classes were joined with the Department of Religious Studies in 2002 creating the Department of Religious Studies & Anthropology in an attempt to ensure the long-term stability of both programs. Despite this change, several tenured Anthropology faculty retired or left and were not replaced. In the fall of 2006, the situation reached a head when a number of Anthropology courses were cancelled because there was only one tenured Anthropology Professor left at the University. The Anthropologists Student Association decided to mount a publicity campaign in an attempt to secure the future of the program. In 2008, Anthropology was moved back with Archaeology, again forming the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.

SED Systems

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1965-

SED Systems grew out of Space Engineering Division of the Department of Physics at the University of Saskatchewan. Formed in 1965, SED initially designed and built rocket instrumentation for upper atmospheric testing, primarily for the National Research Council (NRC). It soon diversified and began designing aerospace and satellite systems technology related to the communications industry. Although SED had become a self-funding unit through contracts it was awarded, industry complaints of unfair competition prompted the establishment of SED as a limited liability company, owned by the University, in 1972. In 1985 SED made its first public share offering. Within a year, Fleet Aerospace Corporation (of Ontario) acquired controlling interest in SED.

University of Saskatchewan Students' Union. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally Centre

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1997-

The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) opened the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Centre on September 3, 1997. Funded by the Students’ Union but maintained and operated by volunteers, the Centre was created to provide information, support, and advocacy around sexual and gender diversity issues for all students at the University of Saskatchewan. It operates as a resource centre and provides services such as a drop-in centre, resource library, peer support, speakers bureau, discussion groups, safer sex information, workshops, and volunteer opportunities. It is committed to educating and bringing awareness of sexual and gender diversity issues and experiences to the campus community. The Centre also advocates for the rights and equality for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. The name of this Centre was changed to USSU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally (LGBTA) Centre in 2002. In 2007, the Centre’s name was changed again to USSU Pride Centre.

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