Item A-6887 - Little Stone School

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Little Stone School

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Área de fechas de creación


  • 1892 (Criação)

Área de descripción física

Descripción física

1 transparency : col.

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Área de descripción del archivo

Historial de custodia

Alcance y contenido

George Horn, teacher, stands with his students in front of the Little Stone School; outhouse at right.

Bio/Historical Note: The original Victoria School, now known as the Little Stone Schoolhouse (LSS), was built in 1887 by Alexander Marr, known for owning the Marr residence, currently the oldest residential building in Saskatoon. The LSS building was not only Saskatoon’s first school and library, it was also its first public building. In the evenings, various community events were held here, such as dances, meetings and various religious events. The one-room school house was used until a two room school house was constructed in 1905, followed by an even larger Victoria School in 1909, officially assuming the role of the original Victoria School. In 1911 the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire raised funds to preserve and relocate the building to the University of Saskatchewan campus. The school was carefully dismantled and moved. Almost 50 years later, in 1967, the Saskatoon Council of Women raised money to renovate the building and officially opened the LSS as a museum. Later that year the LSS was declared a Municipal Heritage Site and eventually Provincial Heritage Property in 1982. The Little Stone Schoolhouse continues to play an important role in the Saskatoon community and on the University of Saskatchewan campus. The U of S took over the operation of the building in 1981 and the Diefenbaker Canada Centre has ensured the continued appreciation of this historical landmark. The main Little Stone Schoolhouse program focuses on a historical introduction and the docent roleplaying as a school teacher.

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Copyright: University of Saskatchewan

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