Rundle, Robert Terrill

Zona de identificação

tipo de entidade


Forma autorizada do nome

Rundle, Robert Terrill

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome

Forma normalizada do nome de acordo com outras regras

Outra(s) forma(s) de nome

  • Rundle, Rev. Robert T.

identificadores para entidades coletivas

área de descrição

Datas de existência



Robert Terrill Rundle (1811-1896) was a Methodist missionary to northern and western Canada. He was born in Cornwall, England, converted to Methodism in his teens and became a lay preacher for the Wesleyan Methodist Church. He volunteered as a missionary to the Hudson's Bay Territory. He arrived at Norway House, Manitoba, in the summer of 1840 and at Fort Edmonton, Alberta, in the autumn of the same year; he led services in English and Cree. He produced literature in the Cree Syllabic, having learned it from Rev. James Evans. He left the mission in 1848 because of ill health; he served on English circuits until his retirement in 1887.


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Mandatos/Fontes de autoridade

Estruturas internas/genealogia

Contexto geral

Área de relacionamento

Área de pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais


Zona do controlo

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Regras ou convenções utilizadas



Nível de detalhe


Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

2018-February: drafted for SAIN.
2021: revised in MemorySask.

Línguas e escritas

  • inglês



UCC Archives (Toronto) entry "Rundle, Robert Terrill, 1811-1896," in Archeion database (Archives Association of Ontario); Saskatchewan and Prairie Church History papers (A.381.XI.F), UCC Sask. Conference Archives.

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