Fondo FL 031 - Avonlea, Blue Hill, Briercrest Pastoral Charges fonds

Área de título y declaración de responsabilidad

Título apropiado

Avonlea, Blue Hill, Briercrest Pastoral Charges fonds

Tipo general de material

  • Textual record

Título paralelo

Otra información de título

Título declaración de responsabilidad

Título notas

Nivel de descripción


Código de referencia

FL 031

Área de edición

Declaración de edición

Declaración de responsabilidad de edición

Área de detalles específicos de la clase de material

Mención de la escala (cartográfica)

Mención de proyección (cartográfica)

Mención de coordenadas (cartográfica)

Mención de la escala (arquitectónica)

Jurisdicción de emisión y denominación (filatélico)

Área de fechas de creación


  • 1903–2002 (Criação)

Área de descripción física

Descripción física

1.1 metres (approx.) of textual records

Área de series editoriales

Título apropiado de las series del editor

Títulos paralelos de serie editorial

Otra información de título de las series editoriales

Declaración de responsabilidad relativa a las series editoriales

Numeración dentro de la serie editorial

Nota en las series editoriales

Área de descripción del archivo

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

Avonlea Pastoral Charge was formed as a new self-sustaining United Church charge in 1925, part of Moose Jaw Presbytery and with appointments at Avonlea and Hearne. By 1940, Sinclair Hill had also been added to the charge. As of 1951, the charge consisted of Avonlea, Crystal Hill and Hearne. Around 1971, the charge amalgamated with Briercrest Pastoral Charge, to form Avonlea-Briercrest Pastoral Charge (later Avonlea - Blue Hill Pastoral Charge), including points at Blue Hill and Hearne.

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

Briercrest Pastoral Charge was formed as a new self-sustaining United Church charge in 1925, part of Moose Jaw Presbytery and consisting of appointments at Briercrest -- southeast of Moose Jaw -- and Blue Hill (as of 1926). Prior to union, it appears to have been a largely Methodist-served charge that covered the Briercrest and Blue Hill congregations. Additional points in the United Church charge included Tilney (by 1932) and Baildon (by 1940).

Around 1971, the charge amalgamated with Avonlea Pastoral Charge, to form Avonlea-Briercrest Pastoral Charge, including points at Blue Hill and Hearne.

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

Avonlea-Briercrest Pastoral Charge was formed around 1971, in Moose Jaw Presbytery, from an amalgamation of Briercrest and Avonlea Pastoral Charges. Preaching points have included Avonlea, Blue Hill, and Briercrest (until it closed June 30, 2013). As of September 28, 2013, the name changed to Avonlea - Blue Hill Pastoral Charge.

Historial de custodia

Original provenance for many of the records in the fonds is unclear. Initial items were transferred to the archives between 1925 and 1986. Additions were received by Saskatchewan Conference in multiple batches, likely between 2006 and 2018.

Alcance y contenido

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Avonlea Pastoral Charge, Briercrest Pastoral Charge, Avonlea – Blue Hill and various constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, sessions, stewards, congregational, trustee and committee meetings; choir, Mission Band and Sunday School records; minutes and financial records from some of the local Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.), Women’s Federation (W.F.), and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; historic rolls and membership records; a Home Mission Record Book from Baildon, ca.1930; and registers documenting baptisms, marriages and burials at Avonlea, Briercrest, Tilney, Blue Hill, Baildon, and related locations. There are also records relating to the Briercrest unit of Canadian Girls in Training (C.G.I.T.).

Área de notas

Condiciones físicas

Origen del ingreso


Original order for many of these records is unclear. Items under XV.A and B were arranged and listed as local church records sometime before 1990, with the XV.SC groups added around 2006 and 2009, and the XV.SR group added by 2018. The fonds was created in 2021, based on historical relationships between the congregations involved and the records previously listed.

Idioma del material

  • inglés

Escritura del material

  • latín

Ubicación de los originales

Disponibilidad de otros formatos

Restricciones de acceso

Some records are restricted, to protect personal information.

Condiciones de uso, reproducción, y publicación

Use, publication, and/or reproduction of records are subject to the conditions of the Copyright Act. Church registers may not be photographed, scanned or otherwise copied without written permission from the Regional Council. Please consult archivist for assistance.

Instrumentos de descripción

GS-168 includes original file listings.

Materiales asociados


Further accruals are expected.

Alpha-numeric designations

Textual records: A.381.XV.A.219 to A.223, A.464 to A.471, A.5123 to A.5170; A.381.XV.B.255 to B.257; A.1084.XV.SC.1065 to SC.1589, SC.1655; XV.SR.1190 to SR.1213

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Área de número estándar

Número estándar

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Área de control

Área de Ingreso