Fondo MJ-040 - Buffalo Lake Water Conservation Association fonds

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Área de título y declaración de responsabilidad

Título apropiado

Buffalo Lake Water Conservation Association fonds

Tipo general de material

  • Textual record

Título paralelo

Otra información de título

Título declaración de responsabilidad

Título notas

Nivel de descripción


Código de referencia


Área de edición

Declaración de edición

Declaración de responsabilidad de edición

Área de detalles específicos de la clase de material

Mención de la escala (cartográfica)

Mención de proyección (cartográfica)

Mención de coordenadas (cartográfica)

Mención de la escala (arquitectónica)

Jurisdicción de emisión y denominación (filatélico)

Área de fechas de creación


Área de descripción física

Descripción física

6.00 cm of textual records.
1 map.

Área de series editoriales

Título apropiado de las series del editor

Títulos paralelos de serie editorial

Otra información de título de las series editoriales

Declaración de responsabilidad relativa a las series editoriales

Numeración dentro de la serie editorial

Nota en las series editoriales

Área de descripción del archivo

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

Buffalo Pound Lake was also known as Buffalo Lake and High Pound Lake. It is the water source for the cities of Regina and Moose Jaw and for the potash mining operations in the Belle Plaine area.

The lake was shallow and the broad downstream end allowed spring runoff to quickly drain. During the late 1920's, a committee was formed to investigate building a dam. It wasn’t until 1933, with a combination of drought and large government projects attempting to stimulate the economy and provide employment, that a formal association formed to promote the building of a dam in the Qu’Appelle River Valley to raise and stabilize water levels in Buffalo Pound Lake.

The Buffalo Lake Water Conservation Association was formed at a meeting in the Grant Hall Hotel on August 9, 1933. The first directors were: W.G. Ross - President, Richard Loney - Vice President, and George D. Mackie - Secretary/Treasurer. Petitions were circulated and research was done. At some later date, Richard Loney served as chair.
Arguments made in support of the project included the development of a resort for fishing and camping, employment, irrigation, a steady water supply and flood prevention.
During the Fall of 1935, a survey party spent a month surveying topography and profiles of proposed dam sites.

It was clear from comments made by government that these projects must show an agricultural benefit. According to the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA), the balance of the values are secondary. As agriculture was not the primary benefit of this project, it was not supported.

A dam and control structure was built by the PFRA in 1939 to control the outflow of the lake and in 1967 the lake became part of the water diversion from the Lake Diefenbaker/Qu’Appelle River Dam project.

Historial de custodia

Alcance y contenido

This fond consists of records of the Buffalo Lake Water Conservation Association that were held by Richard Loney. They are primarily correspondence and “general” files relating to the Association, likely filed by Loney. There is also a file relating to petitions and lists of area landowners, a scrapbook of press clippings relating to this and other similar projects and a reprinted speech to the Legislative Assembly given by W.G. Ross supporting the project.

Área de notas

Condiciones físicas

Numerous tears in map was given spot repair with Filmoplast P to prevent further tearing.

Origen del ingreso

Accession number 40.BA donated to the archives by Harold Loney.


Idioma del material

  • inglés

Escritura del material

Ubicación de los originales

Disponibilidad de otros formatos

Restricciones de acceso

Condiciones de uso, reproducción, y publicación

Instrumentos de descripción

Finding aid and file list available. See attached finding aid.

Materiales asociados

“The Engineering Journal” - Vol XVIII - No. 4, April 1935. Contains numerous articles dealing with drought, water conservation & resources on the Canadian Prairie, transferred to the archival books collection.

Materiales relacionados


No further accruals expected.


This fonds was re boxed and foldered; Filmoplast P was used on map in 2004.

Location note

Box V-28

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Área de número estándar

Número estándar

Puntos de acceso

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Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control

Digital object (Ejemplar original), área de permisos

Digital object (Referencia), área de permisos

Digital object (Miniatura), área de permisos

Área de Ingreso

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