Item MG 278 - Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning

Área de título y declaración de responsabilidad

Título apropiado

Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning

Tipo general de material

Título paralelo

Otra información de título

Título declaración de responsabilidad

Título notas

Nivel de descripción


Código de referencia

MG 278

Área de edición

Declaración de edición

Declaración de responsabilidad de edición

Área de detalles específicos de la clase de material

Mención de la escala (cartográfica)

Mención de proyección (cartográfica)

Mención de coordenadas (cartográfica)

Mención de la escala (arquitectónica)

Jurisdicción de emisión y denominación (filatélico)

Área de fechas de creación


  • 1982-2022 (Criação)

Área de descripción física

Descripción física

44 cm of textual records; 11 photographs.

Área de series editoriales

Título apropiado de las series del editor

Títulos paralelos de serie editorial

Otra información de título de las series editoriales

Declaración de responsabilidad relativa a las series editoriales

Numeración dentro de la serie editorial

Nota en las series editoriales

Área de descripción del archivo

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

In 1982 an ad hoc committee of the New Horizons group, funded in part through the Kinsmen Foundation, met to discuss incorporating as a new entity. Their aim was to help provide seniors with access to post-secondary level education. Initially intending to call themselves the “University Learning for Seniors Association,” that name, ultimately, was discarded in favour of “Seniors’ Cultural and Creative Studies, Inc.” It was incorporated 24 January 1983.

In cooperation with the University of Saskatchewan Extension Division, a series of lectures and faculty were established. Although modified versions of courses offered in the regular calendar, the approach to the classes was scholarly. Courses were suggested by seniors, discussed in terms of the availability of lecturers, etc., with final approval by the SCCS Executive.

The name of the organization was changed in January 1995 to “Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning.” Although some courses in the early years included curriculum from other colleges, the SSCL currently works primarily in collaboration with the College of Arts and Science. Courses are non-credit. The SSCL has a membership of over 300.

Historial de custodia

Alcance y contenido

This fonds contains administrative records from the Association; these occasionally include correspondence and clippings; more frequently they include financial reports. Materials related to classes and course offerings as well as special events hosted by the SSCL are also included, as are clippings about and publications by the group.

Área de notas

Condiciones físicas

Origen del ingreso


This fonds has been arranged by the donor.
Series I: Administrative Records
Series II: Classes
Series III: Events
Series IV: Other

Idioma del material

Escritura del material

Ubicación de los originales

Disponibilidad de otros formatos

Restricciones de acceso

Files marked as restricted must be vetted by archivist prior to use.

Condiciones de uso, reproducción, y publicación

Instrumentos de descripción

Materiales asociados

Materiales relacionados


This guide includes accessions 2002-083, 2018-007, 2018-009, 2018-121, 2018-123, 2018-129, 2018-200, 2022-017. All accession prior to 2022-017 have been merged without identification..
Further accruals are expected

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Área de número estándar

Número estándar

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control

Área de Ingreso

Personas y organizaciones relacionadas

Lugares relacionados

Tipos relacionados