"A Woman's Federation in a Congregation" (preliminary report)
"A Woman's Federation in a Congregation" (preliminary report)
Abbey [history]
Abbey [history]
Abbey-Lancer-Portreeve [history]
Abbey-Lancer-Portreeve [history]
Abbey-Lancer-Portreeve Pastoral Charge fonds
Abbey-Lancer-Portreeve Pastoral Charge fonds
Aberdeen (including Vonda) [history]
Aberdeen (including Vonda) [history]
Aberdeen, Rosthern, Wakaw Pastoral Charges fonds
Aberdeen, Rosthern, Wakaw Pastoral Charges fonds
Abernathy, George
Abernathy, George
Abernethy [history]
Abernethy [history]
Abernethy Presbyterial W.M.S. delegate report to Provincial W.M.S. Convention
Abernethy Presbyterial W.M.S. delegate report to Provincial W.M.S. Convention
Abernethy Presbyterial W.M.S. minutes
Abernethy Presbyterial W.M.S. minutes
Abernethy Presbytery fonds
Abernethy Presbytery fonds
Abernethy Presbytery (Presbyterian) fonds
Abernethy Presbytery (Presbyterian) fonds
Abernethy West End Ministerial Association fonds
Abernethy West End Ministerial Association fonds
Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge fonds
Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge fonds
Account book
Account book